Faculty Directory
Architecture, Professor, Director of Graduate Studies (DGS) Department of Architecture
253 E. Sibley Hall
ea369@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Mui Ho Center for Cities Postdoctoral Associate in Just and Equitable Cities
315 W. Sibley Hall
eb842@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Professor; Director, Cornell Mui Ho Center for Cities
200 W. Sibley Hall
(607) 255-5385
vab57@cornell.edu -
Architecture, Lecturer
Palazzo Santacroce, Piazza Benedetto Cairoli 6, 00186 Rome, Italy
+39 06 689 7070
jnb10@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Visiting Lecturer
317 W. Sibley Hall
icf6@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Real Estate, Professor; Associated Member, Cornell Law School; Professor, Paul Rubacha Department of Real Estate; Director, Legal Constructs Lab
216 W. Sibley Hall
(607) 255-3204
scb263@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Visiting Associate Professor
Palazzo Santacroce, Piazza Benedetto Cairoli 6, 00186 Rome, Italy
+39 06 689 7070
nb275@cornell.edu -
Design Tech, Visiting Lecturer, AAP; Professor Adjunct, CALS
B-75 Mann Library Building
rsc5@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Professor (on leave)
219 W. Sibley Hall
(607) 254-8934
tc538@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Director of Graduate Studies, Regional Science; Associate Professor
313 W. Sibley Hall
(607) 254-6540
jc3474@cornell.edu -
Architecture, Chair of the Department of Architecture, Professor
139 E. Sibley Hall
arch_chair@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Real Estate, Associate Professor; Director of Graduate Studies, Real Estate
203 West Sibley
slc329@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Associate Professor (on leave)
210 W. Sibley Hall
(607) 254-8579
jmc286@cornell.edu -
Architecture, Art, Visiting Lecturer
Palazzo Santacroce, Piazza Benedetto Cairoli 6, 00186 Rome, Italy
+39 06 689 7070
cc863@cornell.edu -
Architecture, Visiting Critic
Palazzo Santacroce, Piazza Benedetto Cairoli 6, 00186 Rome, Italy
+39 06 689 7070
mclaudia.clemente@labics.it -
Design Tech, Design Tech Innovation Fellow and Visiting Lecturer
227 West Sibley Hall
mc2957@cornell.edu -
Design Tech, Professor; Department of Physics, College of Arts and Sciences
Art, Assistant Professor; Director of Undergraduate Studies
103 Tjaden Hall
orc7@cornell.edu -
Architecture, Nathaniel and Margaret Owings Distinguished Alumni Memorial Professor in Architecture
340C E. Sibley Hall
(607) 255-9235
mrc14@cornell.edu -
Architecture, Professor; Senior Associate Dean for Strategic Initiatives and Engagement
Real Estate, Professor of Practice; Director of the Baker Program in Real Estate
509 Breazzano Center
(607) 379-3765
cad54@cornell.edu -
Art, Associate Professor; Associate Dean for Diversity and Equity
504 Tjaden Hall
jd2276@cornell.edu -
Architecture, Visiting Critic
26 Broadway, 20th Floor, New York City 10004
(212) 497-7595
aapnyc@cornell.edu -
Architecture, Design Tech, Associate Professor; Director of the M.Arch. Program
252 E. Sibley Hall
(607) 255-9591
tkd9@cornell.edu -
Art, Visiting Critic; Spring 2025 Teiger Mentor in the Arts
220 Tjaden Hall
te224@cornell.edu -
Architecture, Associate Professor, Cornell Atkinson Scholar and Senior Faculty Fellow at the Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability
City and Regional Planning, Associate Professor of the Practice; Interim Director of Undergraduate Studies
212 W. Sibley Hall
(607) 255-2148
grf4@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Mui Ho Center for Cities Postdoctoral Associate in Urban Climate Adaptation and Mitigation
315 W. Sibley Hall
ngf26@cornell.edu -
Architecture, Lecturer
Palazzo Santacroce, Piazza Benedetto Cairoli 6, 00186 Rome, Italy
+39 06 689 7070
jg385@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Lecturer
319 W. Sibley Hall
(401) 954-1038
mjg374@cornell.edu -
Art, Visiting Critic
Piazza Benedetto Cairoli 6, 00186 Rome
+39 06 689 7070
ag2345@cornell.edu -
Architecture, Jacob Gould Schurman Professor of Computer Graphics
580 Rhodes Hall & 340H E. Sibley Hall
(607) 255-7444
dpg5@cornell.edu -
Design Tech, Professor; Professor of Information Science, Cornell Bowers CIS
City and Regional Planning, Active Learning Initiative Postdoctoral Fellow
323 W. Sibley Hall
jh2853@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Visiting Lecturer; Assistant Director of Transportation
116 Maple Ave
rgh98@cornell.edu -
Architecture, Visiting Critic
Palazzo Santacroce, Piazza Benedetto Cairoli 6, 00186 Rome, Italy
fi38@cornell.edu -
Design Tech, Associate Professor; Associate Professor, Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute at Cornell Tech
Design Tech, Design Tech Innovation Fellow and Visiting Lecturer
227 West Sibley Hall
mk2694@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Associate Professor; Director of Undergraduate Studies (on sabbatical)
214 W. Sibley Hall
(607) 255-8772
njk8@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Visiting Lecturer
213 W. Sibley Hall
joanna.kocsis@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Professor; Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
209 W. Sibley Hall
(607) 255-3939
nk78@cornell.edu -
Architecture, Professor (on sabbatical)
219 W. Sibley Hall
(607) 254-8771
dml34@cornell.edu -
Real Estate, Senior Lecturer; Senior Lecturer, Cornell Peter and Stephanie Nolan School of Hotel Administration
Architecture, Associate Professor; Director, Master of Science, Advanced Urban Design Program
340J E. Sibley Hall
jwl283@cornell.edu -
Design Tech, Design Tech Innovation Fellow
225 West Sibley Hall
dl2265@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Visiting Lecturer
214 W. Sibley Hall
(607) 262-5497
wl563@cornell.edu -
Real Estate, Professor; Robert A. Beck Professor of Hospitality Financial Management, Cornell Peter and Stephanie Nolan School of Hotel Administration
Real Estate, Associate Professor; Associate Professor, Singapore Tourism Board Distinguished Professor in Asian Hospitality Management, Cornell Peter and Stephanie Nolan School of Hotel Administration
Architecture, Art, City and Regional Planning, Visiting Critic
Palazzo Santacroce, Piazza Benedetto Cairoli 6, 00186 Rome, Italy
+39 06 689 7070
vm346@cornell.edu -
Art, Assistant Professor; Director of Graduate Studies in Creative Visual Arts; Graduate Faculty in Fiber Science and Apparel Design, College of Human Ecology
304 Tjaden Hall
evm28@cornell.edu -
Architecture, Teaching Associate
Palazzo Santacroce, Piazza Benedetto Cairoli 6, 00186 Rome, Italy
+39 06 689 7070
mmellini@cornell.edu -
Architecture, Assistant Professor of the Practice
340K E. Sibley Hall
(607) 254-8048
mfm97@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Director of Graduate Studies and Associate Professor; Director of Just Places Lab
204 W. Sibley Hall
(607) 255-5561
jm2359@cornell.edu -
Art, Visiting Critic
Palazzo Santacroce, Piazza Benedetto Cairoli 6, 00186 Rome, Italy
+39 06 689 7070
lm248@cornell.edu -
Art, Senior Lecturer; Codirector, M.F.A. in Image Text and ITI Press
Architecture, Edgar A. Tafel Professor of Architecture (on sabbatical)
139 E. Sibley Hall
(607) 255-7612
cao53@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Chair of the Department of City and Regional Planning, Professor
107 W. Sibley Hall
(607) 254-5378
seo32@cornell.edu -
Art, Visiting Critic
Palazzo Santacroce, Piazza Benedetto Cairoli 6, 00186 Rome, Italy
+39 06 689 7070
lp388@cornell.edu -
Design Tech, Professor; Professor, Department of Human Centered Design, Cornell Human Ecology
City and Regional Planning, Visiting Lecturer and Research Associate
227 W. Sibley Hall
jp2579@cornell.edu -
Art, Chair of the Department of Art, Professor
224 Tjaden Hall
par237@cornell.edu -
Art, Associate Professor, Department of Art and Department of History of Art and Visual Studies
G35 Goldwin Smith Hall
(607) 255-0570
jkr33@cornell.edu -
Real Estate, Professor; Chair of the Paul Rubacha Department of Real Estate
Architecture, Design Tech, Professor; Chair of the Department of Design Tech; Arthur L. and Isabel B. Wiesenberger Professor in Architecture
340L E. Sibley Hall
(607) 255-4898
jes557@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Associate Professor, Director, Master of Regional Planning Program
201 W. Sibley Hall
(607) 254-4846
sjs96@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Associate Professor (on sabbatical)
213 W. Sibley Hall
(607) 255-2957
ls886@cornell.edu -
Art, Visiting Critic and Workshop Residency Visiting Artist (summer 2025)
Art, Senior Lecturer; Codirector, M.F.A. in Image Text and ITI Press
Real Estate, Associate Professor; Associate Professor, Cornell Peter and Stephanie Nolan School of Hotel Administration; Richard J. and Monene P. Bradley Director of Graduate Studies
City and Regional Planning, Professor, Historic Preservation Planning Coordinator
207 W. Sibley Hall
(607) 255-7261
mat4@cornell.edu -
Architecture, Associate Professor in Architecture Michael A. McCarthy Professor of Architectural Theory Director, M.S.AAD Program
City and Regional Planning, Professor; Professor, Department of Global Development; Director, Polson Institute for Global Development; Director, Local Government Restructuring Lab
215 W. Sibley Hall
(607) 255-6816
mew15@cornell.edu -
Design Tech, Professor; Spencer T. Olin Professor of Engineering, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Cornell Engineering
City and Regional Planning, Assistant Professor (on leave)
221 W. Sibley Hall
(607) 255-1194
wenfeixu@cornell.edu -
Architecture, Associate Professor; Director of Undergraduate Studies
340N E. Sibley Hall
(607) 254-8092