Timur Dogan
Timur Dogan is an Associate Professor in the Department of Architecture and the director of the M.Arch. Program and the Environmental Systems Lab. Dogan is also the chair of the faculty advisory board at the Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability, and a field member of the Department of Architecture, Department of City and Regional Planning, the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, as well as the Systems Engineering program. Dogan holds a Ph.D. from MIT, an MDES from Harvard GSD, and a Dipl. Ing. in architecture with distinction from the Technical University Darmstadt. Dogan's mission with Cornell and the Environmental Systems Lab is to enhance the knowledge of sustainable building technologies through innovative educational programming and strategic research at the intersection of design, computer science, building performance simulation, and urban geospatial analysis. His research expertise is in daylighting, energy modeling, passive climate control strategies, and performance-driven design workflows at urban and architectural scales. The Environmental Systems Lab's research outcomes are sustainable design analysis methods, workflows, teaching concepts, computer-based design tools, and building component prototypes.
Academic Research/Specialty Areas
- Architectural design
- Sustainability and building energy modeling
- Computational design
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Classes (Selected)
- ARCH 1611/5611 Environmental Systems I: Site and Sustainability
- ARCH 2616/5616 Environmental Systems II: Building Dynamics
Publications (Selected)
- Patrick Kastner and Timur Dogan (2020), "A cylindrical meshing methodology for annual urban computational fluid dynamics simulations." Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 13:1,59-68, DOI: 10.1080/19401493.2019.1692906
- De Luca, F., Dogan, T., "A novel solar envelope method based on solar ordinances for urban planning." Build. Simul. 12, 817–834 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12273-019-0561-1
- De Luca, F., Dogan, T., "A novel solar envelope method based on solar ordinances for urban planning." Build. Simul. 12, 817–834 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12273-019-0561-1
- Emmanouil Saratsis, Timur Dogan, and Christoph F. Reinhart (2017), "Simulation-based daylighting analysis procedure for developing urban zoning rules," Building Research & Information, 45:5, 478-491, DOI: 10.1080/09613218.2016.1159850
- Dogan, Timur, and Reinhart, C. (2017). "Shoeboxer: An algorithm for abstracted rapid multi-zone urban building energy model generation and simulation." Energy and Buildings. 140. 10.1016/j.enbuild.2017.01.030.
- Dogan, Timur, and Stec, Peter (2016). "Prototyping a facade-mounted, dynamic, dual-axis daylight redirection system." Lighting Research and Technology. 50. 10.1177/1477153516675392