Supply Store Tool Checkout Policy

Loan period: 48 hours

  • Corded drills
  • Cordless impact drivers
  • Glue guns
  • Heat guns
  • Jig saws
  • Mini chop saws
  • Toolboxes, including red steel box with lock, combination lock, Lutz screwdriver, 6" locking pliers, hammer, Tekton 8" wire cutter, tape measurer, 8" adjustable wrench, miter box, Xuron 6" wire cutter

Drill bits and saw blades are not provided with equipment. These are available for purchase in the AAP store.


Renewals may only be made in person with a Cornell ID card. A waitlist will be made if all tools are checked out. When there is a waitlist, you may only renew once, and then you must return the tool.

Late Returns

Late fee: $20 per day

Late fees will be charged for all late equipment. After three days, equipment will be considered lost, and the borrower will be charged the full replacement cost.

Improper Care

Students borrowing equipment are responsible for the condition of equipment while in their care. A student found abusing equipment and/or not following checkout policies may be charged a misuse fee or lose checkout privileges. If equipment is lost or damaged, the borrower will be charged for the repair or replacement of the equipment.

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