Career Development

About AAP Career Development

AAP Career Development empowers all AAP students to explore career pathways, clarify and define goals, and chart a course of action for lifelong career success.

AAP Career Development supports AAP students and Alumni through 1:1 career advising, career development programming, career fairs, networking, and providing guidance and resources from “Where do I start?” all the way to post-graduate job offer negotiations.

By working with AAP Career Development, AAP students will gain self-awareness and understanding of career pathways, confidence, and resilience, and will emerge ready to take ownership of their careers and impact the world.

Explore the resources and opportunities AAP Career Development has to offer you:

  • Resume and cover letter reviews
  • Portfolio development assistance
  • Career exploration including graduate school
  • Job and internship search strategies 
  • Application tips interview preparation
  • Networking and LinkedIn best techniques 
  • Alumni panels and workshops

Make an Appointment

AAP Career Development appointments will be in person or via Zoom. Meet with Career Development staff or any Peer Career Advisor for an individual advising session to talk about your options, review your resume and cover letter, practice interview skills, learn how to best use LinkedIn for networking, and more!

Click on the link below to schedule an appointment via Bookings:

Meet the AAP Career Development Team


The director and assistant director are full-time professional Career Services staff within AAP who help students achieve the best possible outcomes after graduation. Our team is dedicated to helping you build connections, reach out to organizations, and prepare for your experiences beyond AAP. Please reach out to us with any questions and for support.

Sam Carney, Director of Career Development

Madelynn Hollis, Assistant Director of Career Development

Peer Career Advisors

PCAs are student employees who offer a valuable and unique student perspective. They can provide encouraging and motivating feedback when reviewing resumes and cover letters, internship, and job search strategies, as well as expose peers to an array of resources when exploring careers. 

Sara Shah (B.Arch. '26)


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