Equipment Loans
Multimedia production and presentation equipment is available for coursework support and exhibition-related purposes of AAP students currently enrolled in classes (this includes summer classes). Equipment inventory includes cameras, camcorders, tripods, light kits, black and white backdrops, data projectors, laptops, digital audio recorders, speakers, microphones, and more.
- Location: 261 Sibley Hall, at the AAP IT Solutions desk
- Hours of operation: fall and spring semesters, weekdays 8:30–12 a.m., weekends 10–12 a.m.; summer and winter breaks, weekdays 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m
- Reserve equipment at the IT Solutions counter (online reservations coming soon)
- To request an extension of loan period restrictions and/or item limitations, make requests at least one week in advance to guarantee timely assistance. Special Loan Request FormOpens an external link
Loan Procedure
AAP students currently enrolled in classes can use their Cornell ID to check out equipment. Prior to borrowing equipment, students must agree to the following details regarding their responsibility, limitations, loan periods, and fines. Borrowers are liable for overdue fees, lost or damaged items, and maintenance fees attributed to the state of returned equipment.
Jump to:
- Borrower's Agreement
- Loan Periods
- Limitations
- Renewals
- Reservations
- Damage
- Improper Care
- Late Returns
- Lost or Stolen
- Frequently Asked Questions
Borrower's Agreement
Borrowers will be asked to sign the following agreement:
By signing this agreement you are entitling AAP IT Solutions (Cornell University) to collect all funds related to late fees and equipment replacement (such as lost, stolen, or damaged equipment). Late fees are calculated on a daily basis. On the third day of an unreturned checkout, the full price of the equipment will be deducted from your Cornell Card. There are additional fees for overdue items than conflict with another person's reservation. If we cannot bill your Cornell Card we will bill your bursar account. The person signing the equipment out is responsible for all items checked out in their name.
Loan Periods
Equipment can be borrowed for up to 24 hours with the exception of laptops, which are due at the end of the day. When equipment is needed for longer than the restricted loan period, borrowers can renew the items daily, for up to three days. In circumstances when renewals are impossible (such as traveling, an exhibition, or a time-lapse sequence where the equipment needs to stay in one place for the duration), borrowers can apply for longer loan periods by filling out the Special Loan Request FormOpens an external link at least one week prior to their need. Special requests require AAP IT staff approval. Faculty will occasionally be asked to verify the needs of special requests. Approval is dependent upon circumstantial need, current inventory supplies, and professor verification. Extended loans are not approved for the duration of a project since most students are continually working on projects and our inventory cannot support these demands.
Requests to borrow more than 25 percent of the total inventory of a particular item type must be approved by a supervisor. Borrowers with unusually large equipment requests should fill out the Special Loan Request FormOpens an external link at least one week prior to their needs. During high-demand periods (such as reviews, midterms, and finals), borrowers will be limited to two projectors or laptops for extended reservations. See the FAQs below for links to additional university equipment resources.
Borrowers may renew an item at staff discretion if it has not been reserved for another patron. Renewals may only be made in person with a Cornell ID card. Renewals cannot be made by phone or email. Borrowers do not need to bring in the equipment they want to renew. However, if the equipment has been reserved for another patron, it must be returned.
Reservations can be made for any piece of equipment in the cage and will be held 10 minutes past the scheduled pick-up time. Reservations for longer than 24 hours require approval. To apply for an extended loan, see above.
Patron accounts will receive fines for damage, improper care, late returns, and lost or stolen items:
The borrower will be charged the cost to repair damaged items. If the damage cannot be repaired, the borrower will be charged the full replacement cost.
Improper Care
Any item or kit returned in a highly disorganized state, or showing signs of gross neglect and improper care, will result in fines (calculated per instance, according to the state of the equipment and the cost of professional cleaning).
Late Returns
Late fees will accumulate for all equipment at a rate of $20 per day unless otherwise noted. Laptops kept overnight without approval are charged an additional $20 overnight fee. After three days the equipment will be categorized as lost and the borrower will be charged the full replacement cost and loan privileges may be restricted. If an overdue item disrupts another patron's reservation, an additional $20 fee per day will be added to the late fee.
Lost or Stolen
If an item is lost or stolen the borrower is responsible for the full replacement cost.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Are there other Cornell campus resources if the AAP equipment I need is unavailable?
A: Yes. There are digital cameras, laptops, projectors, and related equipment available to all Cornell students at the links below.
- Albert R. Mann Library Equipment LoansOpens a Cornell link
- Olin and Uris Libraries Specialized Equipment Available for Loan Opens a Cornell link
Q: Can I borrow equipment for more than the 24-hour loan limit?
A: Yes, if you apply for an extended loan and it is approved. See Loan Periods above for the approval process.
Q: Can I take equipment out of town?
A: Yes, as long as the equipment is being used for class work and can be returned by the scheduled time due.
Q: How many data projectors can I borrow at once?
A: This depends on the current supply and demand. See Limitations above for more details.
Q: Can a friend borrow equipment for me?
A: Borrowing equipment for someone else is forbidden because the person borrowing the equipment will be held responsible for the repair or replacement costs of any damaged, lost, or stolen items, and any improper care fees for the duration of their loan.
Q: Can a friend drop off equipment for me?
A: You may choose to trust a friend to drop off equipment for you, but you are responsible for late fees and the repair or replacement costs for any damaged, lost, or stolen items until the items are returned.
Q: Can I share equipment with a classmate?
A: Sharing equipment with others while it's loaned to you is discouraged because you will be liable for the repair or replacement costs of any damaged, lost, or stolen items, and improper care fees.