Faculty Directory
Architecture, Professor, Director of Graduate Studies (DGS) Department of Architecture
253 E. Sibley Hall
ea369@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Professor; Director, Cornell Mui Ho Center for Cities
200 W. Sibley Hall
(607) 255-5385
vab57@cornell.edu -
Architecture, Lecturer
Palazzo Santacroce, Piazza Benedetto Cairoli 6, 00186 Rome, Italy
+39 06 689 7070
jnb10@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Real Estate, Professor; Associated Member, Cornell Law School; Professor, Paul Rubacha Department of Real Estate; Director, Legal Constructs Lab
216 W. Sibley Hall
(607) 255-3204
scb263@cornell.edu -
Design Tech, Visiting Lecturer, AAP; Professor Adjunct, CALS
B-75 Mann Library Building
rsc5@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Professor (on leave)
219 W. Sibley Hall
(607) 254-8934
tc538@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Director of Graduate Studies, Regional Science; Associate Professor
313 W. Sibley Hall
(607) 254-6540
jc3474@cornell.edu -
Architecture, Chair of the Department of Architecture, Professor
139 E. Sibley Hall
arch_chair@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Real Estate, Associate Professor; Director of Graduate Studies, Real Estate
203 West Sibley
slc329@cornell.edu -
Architecture, Art, Visiting Lecturer
Palazzo Santacroce, Piazza Benedetto Cairoli 6, 00186 Rome, Italy
+39 06 689 7070
cc863@cornell.edu -
Art, Assistant Professor; Director of Undergraduate Studies
103 Tjaden Hall
orc7@cornell.edu -
Architecture, Professor; Senior Associate Dean for Strategic Initiatives and Engagement
Real Estate, Professor of Practice; Director of the Baker Program in Real Estate
509 Breazzano Center
(607) 379-3765
cad54@cornell.edu -
Architecture, Visiting Critic
26 Broadway, 20th Floor, New York City 10004
(212) 497-7595
aapnyc@cornell.edu -
Architecture, Design Tech, Associate Professor; Director of the M.Arch. Program
252 E. Sibley Hall
(607) 255-9591
tkd9@cornell.edu -
Art, Visiting Critic; Spring 2025 Teiger Mentor in the Arts
220 Tjaden Hall
te224@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Associate Professor of the Practice; Interim Director of Undergraduate Studies
212 W. Sibley Hall
(607) 255-2148
grf4@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Mui Ho Center for Cities Postdoctoral Associate in Urban Climate Adaptation and Mitigation
315 W. Sibley Hall
ngf26@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Lecturer
319 W. Sibley Hall
(401) 954-1038
mjg374@cornell.edu -
Architecture, Jacob Gould Schurman Professor of Computer Graphics
580 Rhodes Hall & 340H E. Sibley Hall
(607) 255-7444
dpg5@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Active Learning Initiative Postdoctoral Fellow
323 W. Sibley Hall
jh2853@cornell.edu -
Design Tech, Design Tech Innovation Fellow and Visiting Lecturer
227 West Sibley Hall
mk2694@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Associate Professor; Director of Undergraduate Studies (on sabbatical)
214 W. Sibley Hall
(607) 255-8772
njk8@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Visiting Lecturer
213 W. Sibley Hall
joanna.kocsis@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Professor; Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
209 W. Sibley Hall
(607) 255-3939
nk78@cornell.edu -
Architecture, Professor (on sabbatical)
219 W. Sibley Hall
(607) 254-8771
dml34@cornell.edu -
Design Tech, Design Tech Innovation Fellow
225 West Sibley Hall
dl2265@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Visiting Lecturer
214 W. Sibley Hall
(607) 262-5497
wl563@cornell.edu -
Art, Assistant Professor; Director of Graduate Studies in Creative Visual Arts; Graduate Faculty in Fiber Science and Apparel Design, College of Human Ecology
304 Tjaden Hall
evm28@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Director of Graduate Studies and Associate Professor; Director of Just Places Lab
204 W. Sibley Hall
(607) 255-5561
jm2359@cornell.edu -
Art, Senior Lecturer; Codirector, M.F.A. in Image Text and ITI Press
Architecture, Edgar A. Tafel Professor of Architecture (on sabbatical)
139 E. Sibley Hall
(607) 255-7612
cao53@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Chair of the Department of City and Regional Planning, Professor
107 W. Sibley Hall
(607) 254-5378
seo32@cornell.edu -
Art, Visiting Critic
Palazzo Santacroce, Piazza Benedetto Cairoli 6, 00186 Rome, Italy
+39 06 689 7070
lp388@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Visiting Lecturer and Research Associate
227 W. Sibley Hall
jp2579@cornell.edu -
Art, Chair of the Department of Art, Professor
224 Tjaden Hall
par237@cornell.edu -
Architecture, Design Tech, Professor; Chair of the Department of Design Tech; Arthur L. and Isabel B. Wiesenberger Professor in Architecture
340L E. Sibley Hall
(607) 255-4898
jes557@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Associate Professor, Director, Master of Regional Planning Program
201 W. Sibley Hall
(607) 254-4846
sjs96@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Associate Professor (on sabbatical)
213 W. Sibley Hall
(607) 255-2957
ls886@cornell.edu -
Art, Visiting Critic and Workshop Residency Visiting Artist (summer 2025)
Art, Senior Lecturer; Codirector, M.F.A. in Image Text and ITI Press
City and Regional Planning, Professor, Historic Preservation Planning Coordinator
207 W. Sibley Hall
(607) 255-7261
mat4@cornell.edu -
Architecture, Associate Professor in Architecture Michael A. McCarthy Professor of Architectural Theory Director, M.S.AAD Program
City and Regional Planning, Professor; Professor, Department of Global Development; Director, Polson Institute for Global Development; Director, Local Government Restructuring Lab
215 W. Sibley Hall
(607) 255-6816
mew15@cornell.edu -
City and Regional Planning, Assistant Professor (on leave)
221 W. Sibley Hall
(607) 255-1194
wenfeixu@cornell.edu -