3/3–3/13 Faye Pamintuan and Yun Hsiang (Sandy) Wang: To the Very Edge
Experience an exhibition of work that explores elements that tether a person to domestic spaces, feelings of intimacy, and familiarity with their environment.
3/3–3/13 Josephine Cosmosse: Invisible Hands
Experience an exhibition showcasing installations, drawings, poems, short stories, and more created in collaboration with incarcerated individuals.
3/3–3/21 Guorun Yang: Linqing Tribute Bricks: Kiln Fires, Canal Memories
View a display detailing Linqing tribute bricks, an ancient building material produced for Beijing's imperial architecture.
3/3–3/13 Kaitlin Ganshaw: Missing Connection
View an exhibition that combines text-based works, painting, digital media, and interactive installations to explore the tension between memory and disappearance, permanence and erasure.
3/6–4/10 Resilience by Design: Spring 2025 Lecture Series
Join a compelling lecture series featuring architectural historians, design practitioners, visionaries, and community stakeholders as they explore the multifaceted challenges and opportunities of community-engaged design.
3/14 Lynn M. Ross: Making the Connection — Urbanism, Civic Life, and Democracy
Attend a lecture that explores the critical role that urbanists can play in supporting engagement in civic life and democratic practice.
3/17–3/21 Stephanie Kyuyoung Lee: The Radical Rural
View an exhibition examining the resurgence of collective farms in New York with a special closing reception.
3/17–3/27 The Incubates: synchronize!
Explore the result of ten artists thinking about time as physical forms in space and learning how their personal internal clocks interact with the time of others
3/17 Antonio Raciti: Embracing the Unfamiliar: Bridging Knowledge and Action through International Planning Pedagogy
Attend a lecture about ridging Knowledge and Action through International Planning Pedagogy.
3/19 AAP Launchpad: Spring 2025
Join us for a special AAP event showcasing recent books written and edited by Cornell AAP faculty.
3/20 Matteo Garrone: Io Capitano Film Screening and Q&A with the Director
View a screening of the film Io Capitano, a modern-day odyssey from the perspective of migrants, reversing the typical Western viewpoint to amplify their voices, followed by a Q&A with the director.
3/20 Tamar Ettun: How to Trap a Demon
Join Teiger Mentor in the Arts Tamar Ettun as she discusses her textile installations, sculptures, drawings, videos, and performances that reflect on somatic empathy in relation to trauma healing and ritual.
3/21 Virtual CRP Graduate Open House for Admitted Students, Spring 2025
Learn more about the unique opportunities available to our City and Regional Planning students, meet our faculty, and ask questions of current students.
3/21 Thomas Gillespie: Affordable Housing, Financialization and Urban Statecraft
Attend a lecture that examines affordable housing production as a site through which state actors engage with financialization processes to different extents with a view to addressing housing needs.
3/26 Design Tech Hybrid Open House for Admitted Students, Spring 2025
Register to attend this open house for admitted students, providing an overview of the multicollege Department of Design Tech and in-depth information about the Master of Science in Design Technology program.
3/26 M.F.A. Open Studios
Join the first and second-year Creative Visual Arts M.F.A. students as they open their studio doors and share their practices with the wider Cornell community
3/28 Dragon Day 2025
Every year, an enormous dragon created by first-year architecture students marches across campus. Join us for Dragon Day 2025, with this year's dragon theme, "HOW TO BUILD YOUR DRAGON."
4/10 Melissa Catanese: Artist Talk
Attend a lecture that offers insight into the thought processes behind the speaker's work, exploring how intuition, memory, and personal experience inform her approach to image-making and sequencing.
4/11 Nataya Friedan: Climate Change and the Labor of Forgetting in Houston
Hear a lecture that follows civil servants, activists, politicians, and business people as they grapple with climate change evidence in an oil industry town.
4/18 Daniel Agbiboa: Does Africa Need Elite Cities?
Join a lecture that examines Eko Atlantic City in Lagos, Nigeria, as a manifestation of worlding-cities, critiquing how such megaprojects amplify socio-spatial inequalities and ecological precarity.
4/23 Craig Robins and Jackie Soffer: Entrepreneurship at the Intersection of Art and Real Estate
See a lecture that offers insight into two entrepreneurial careers followed by an interactive workshop with students.
4/24 Cornell Mui Ho Center for Cities Symposium:
Climate Resilience in New York CityThe Cornell Mui Ho Center for Cities will host an in-person symposium on climate resilience in New York City. The one-day event will focus on actions to mitigate risks to people, buildings, and infrastructure from extreme weather.
4/25 Andrés Blanco: Urban Infrastructure in the Amazon Basin, Challenges and Opportunities
Attend a lecture that describes the ongoing effort to understand the challenges and opportunities associated with accelerated urbanization processes and their impacts on Amazonia's critical ecosystems and sustainability.
5/2 Marisa Turesky: Locating Lesbian Lives — Holistic Housing in a Compassionate City
Listen to a lecture that demonstrates the gendered and queer pathways toward health justice and community development over time by applying a queer-feminist lens to the frameworks for aging-in-place