AAP Launchpad: Spring 2025

Discreet Dryer by Sophia Zaita (M.Arch. '27) in the Fall 2024 student exhibition The Back Wall organized by Catherine Wilmes image / Anson Wigner
Join us on Wednesday, March 19, from 5:30–7:30 p.m. in Milstein Hall Dome for AAP Launchpad: Spring 2025, a special book launch event showcasing recent publications by Cornell AAP faculty. Hear brief, informal talks from each of the authors, followed by the opportunity to meet them, as well as browse and buy their books.
Welcome starts at 5:30 p.m., followed by author presentations (Pecha Kucha style) at 6 p.m.
The Authors
- Professor Milton S. F. Curry, CriticalProductive
- Associate Professor Pamela Karimi, Women, Art, Freedom: Artists and Street Politics in Iran and Alternative Iran: Contemporary Art and Critical Spatial Practice
- Assistant Professor Peter Robinson, "The BlackSpace Manifesto: 'Living' Black Liberatory Futures," a chapter in Spatial Futures: Difference and the Post Anthropocene
- Professor Michael Ashkin, There will be two of you
- Assistant Professor Leeza Meksin, Painting Deconstructed
- M.F.A. in Image Text Codirectors Nicholas Muellner and Catherine Taylor, Orange Blossom Trail and Love, You Came From Greatness (represented by two M.F.A. in Image Text students)
City and Regional Planning
- Professor Sara Bronin, Key to the City: How Zoning Shapes Our World
- Chair and Professor Sophie Oldfield, High Stakes, High Hopes: Urban Theorizing in Partnership and Knowing the City: South African Urban Scholarship from Apartheid to Democracy
- Professor Mildred Warner, Community Development and Schools: Conflict, Power, and Promise