POSTPONED: Lynn M. Ross: Making the Connection — Urbanism, Civic Life, and Democracy

image / Shane Wynn Photography (2017)
Postponed: This lecture has been postponed to a future date.
Globally recognized urbanist and founder of Spirit for Change Consulting, Lynn M. Ross (M.R.P. '01), will share insights into her work advancing policies and programs that foster thriving communities by bolstering civic infrastructure. She'll explore the critical role that urbanists can play in supporting engagement in civic life and democratic practice.
Lynn M. Ross (M.R.P. '01) is a globally recognized urbanist and the founder of Spirit for Change Consulting, LLC. Spirit for Change partners nationally and across sectors with organizations on a mission to design, implement, and steward the plans, policies, programs, and relationships needed to ensure a future where we can all thrive together.
Prior to founding Spirit for Change in 2017, Ross held leadership roles at the Knight Foundation, Urban Land Institute, National Housing Conference and Center for Housing Policy, and American Planning Association. From 2014 to 2016, she also served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy Development at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Ross serves as the board chair of KABOOM!, a national nonprofit working to end playspace inequity for good. She previously served as a Next City Board of Directors member, the National Academy of Medicine's Culture of Health Program Advisory Board, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences Civic Infrastructure Working Group. She has also served as an advisor for the Trust for Civic Life and as Co-Chair for the American Planning Association's Planning for Equity Policy Guide Working Group.
She holds a Masters of Regional Planning from Cornell University and a B.S. in community and regional planning from Iowa State University.