AAP Exhibition Guidelines

AAP Exhibitions

The AAP Galleries include the John Hartell Gallery in Sibley Hall and the Bibliowicz Family Gallery in Milstein Hall. Both galleries are managed and maintained by the AAP Exhibitions Team and are open on weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  As of June 2024, John Hartell Gallery is closed for construction until further notice.

AAP is committed to providing equitable access to the galleries regardless of department or program affiliation. The Exhibitions Team will work with selected Exhibitors to coordinate space and scheduling. Support for internal projects by the Exhibitions Team is limited to application review by the AAP Gallery Committee, scheduling, and the patching and painting of walls between shows, not beyond the usual wear and tear and as approved by the Exhibitions Team. Exhibitors are solely responsible for logistics, installation, de-installation, cleanup, communications efforts, and all costs associated with the exhibition.


Exhibition applications by current faculty, students, and staff affiliated with AAP will be reviewed and selected by the AAP Gallery Committee on a biannual basis. Interested individuals should review the AAP Gallery Guidelines and submit an AAP Exhibition Application to apply for an exhibition in the John Hartell Gallery or Bibliowicz Family Gallery.

  • May 1 is the deadline to submit applications to exhibit in the fall semester.
  • November 1 is the deadline to submit applications to exhibit in the spring semester.


Once your exhibition is accepted:

  • Contact AAP IT, Facilities, and/or Material Practice Facilities if you require their advice or assistance. Contacting these teams does not guarantee their support.
  • Contact the Exhibitions Team to schedule a walkthrough.

30 days before your exhibition:  

  • Return the signed contract.
  • Submit images, a description of the exhibition, and a biography. The Exhibitions Team will create an event page for you.
  • Submit a finalized floor plan.
  • Propose a date and time for your reception. Once approved by the Exhibitions Team, you must liaise with your home department and you are responsible for all costs and logistics.
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