John Hartell Gallery Photographs

Beginning in June 2024, John Hartell Gallery is closed for construction until further notice.Room with white walls and wood floor, two columns, and a moveable wall are in the center and there are three windows on the far wall

Looking north, with moveable wall perpendicular to windows.

Room with white walls and wood floor, two columns in the center and a moveable wall blocking the windows at the far end.

Looking north, with shades closed and moveable wall parallel to windows.

Room with white walls and wood floor, shades drawn on the windows and a moveable wall in the center.

Looking northwest.

Room with white walls and wood floor, two pillars and a moveable wall, with a glass office wall on the right side.

Looking southeast.

Room with white walls and wood floor, a moveable wall in the center, glass office wall on left and wall of windows on right.

Looking west, behind the moveable wall.

Looking in through a window at a room with white walls and wood floor, with two columns and a moveable wall in the center.

Looking into the gallery, from the west interior windows.

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