AAP Exhibition Application

AAP Exhibitions showcase internal curated projects from current faculty, students, and staff within departments and programs affiliated with AAP.  All applications are reviewed by the AAP Gallery Committee. Selected exhibitions take place in Bibliowicz Family Gallery or John Hartell Gallery. As of June 2024, John Hartell Gallery is closed for construction until further notice. The application deadline for fall exhibitions is May 1, and spring exhibitions is November 1.

AAP Gallery and Exhibition Guidelines

Exhibitors must review and comply with all AAP Gallery Guidelines and AAP Exhibition Guidelines. Exhibitors are required to work closely with AAP Exhibitions staff to plan installation details, communicate needs and budget use, and supply work images and press materials ahead of the exhibition opening. AAP Exhibitions staff maintain an inventory of projectors, mini-PCs, cables, and other electronic accessories available for exhibitor use during exhibitions. All items are shared between John Hartell Gallery and Bibliowicz Gallery and can be found in the AAP Gallery Guidelines. 

AAP Exhibition Application

If you are not affiliated with Cornell AAP, enter your college or department.
If applicable, list a department, college, university, or organization that is cosponsoring this exhibition.
Indicate which gallery you would prefer to exhibit. Please note: Beginning June 2024, John Hartell Gallery will be unavailable for exhibitions until further notice. Exhibitions proposed for Rand Hall Rooftop are subject to external review, require the exhibitor to submit permitting applications, and are not guaranteed.
A typical exhibition spans two weeks. Propose a date range (or ranges) for your exhibition; proposed dates are not guaranteed. The date range should fall within the Cornell academic calendar during the Fall or Spring semester. Please note: installation must occur on a Sunday, and deinstallation must occur on a Friday.
List the materials that will be used in your exhibition. This includes the art itself, as well as mounting hardware, signs, projections, electronics, pedestals, etc. If you plan to lend technology from the Exhibitions team's limited inventory (see the AAP Gallery Guidelines "Technology" section), please indicate the items you require. Note: the inventory is shared between two galleries, and therefore, we cannot guarantee availability until the exhibition is confirmed.
AAP has limited white wood pedestals (all in various sizes) and numerous foam pedestals. Indicate if you plan to use pedestals and, if so, how many and approximate sizes.
Indicate how many linear feet of wall space you will require. Bibliowicz Family Gallery has 115 linear feet and John Hartell Gallery has 133 linear feet.
Indicate how many square feet of floor space will be occupied by structures, pedestals, or other objects.
Please list your funding sources for this exhibition (e.g., "applied for $2,500 CCA grant" or "received $100 department funding"). If multiple sources, please include individual amounts as well as the total.
Indicate how you intend to use the sourced funding. The total amount should be reflected in the breakdown, in a clear list format (e.g., "Round trip shipping between NYC and Ithaca for 3 crates = $1,200"). Consider costs such as production, framing, crating, shipping, mounting hardware, tools, materials, and labor and assistance.
500-word description of your proposed exhibition. If applicable, include other venues where this exhibition has appeared, and any related programs or events on campus.
Upload up to 12 images as individual files or as a single PDF of the work that will be included in the exhibition. Proposals for exhibitions should be of work already completed, not theoretical work that has yet to be made.
Files must be less than 8 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png pdf.
Biographical Information
Upload a PDF of your resume, CV, or biographical statement. If this is a group or department exhibition, please provide a description of the group or department.
Files must be less than 8 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf.
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