The college will support significant publications by our faculty by hosting book launches as a means of sharing various research trajectories with students and faculty. Please refer to the guidelines and application below.
Eligible Books
- Peer-reviewed
- Commercially published
- Either authored, coauthored, or edited anthologies by AAP faculty
AAP event staff will assist with scheduling and room reservations in AAP's Ithaca facilities, reception planning, and online publicity. The standard budget for each launch is $500 unless the event hosts multiple publications. Additional funding for bringing in out-of-town coauthors is not available. Book sales should be coordinated by the faculty member with the Cornell Store or sold directly by the faculty member, as AAP event staff cannot process payments or serve as point-of-sale personnel. Launches will be open to the AAP and wider university communities when the author can offer a brief introduction and/or reading and field questions.
- March 1 for a fall event
- October 29 of the previous year for a spring event