Ph.D. HAUD Graduate Student Handbook
Program Overview
This handbook has been prepared for the use of doctoral students and faculty in the History of Architecture and Urban Development (HAUD) program in the Department of Architecture, and should be read in conjunction with the Code of Legislation, which sets the policies governing advanced degree programs throughout the University.
The HAUD program at Cornell offers a doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.), and represents a sophisticated blend of interdisciplinary research and new scholarship. The program prepares students for a scholarly career in global architectural history conceived as a distinct and evolving discipline with a diverse range of topics and methodologies. HAUD students are able to engage in original research that advances and changes the discipline, and impart that knowledge to undergraduate and graduate students. The structure and degree requirements of the program prepare students as erudite and independent scholars who can critically assess and contribute to the state of global and inclusive architectural history.
Before applying, the prospective students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the program, attend the virtual Open House, and contact the field faculty members that they envision to work with.
Faculty and Field System
Fields, rather than departments, define graduate education at Cornell. Unlike traditional college or department divisions, fields at Cornell draw upon faculty from multiple colleges, departments, and related disciplines across the university, in accordance with individual scholarly interests. This allows for multidisciplinary study catered to each student's individual interests.
The core faculty in the HAUD are professors Esra Akcan and Medina Lasansky; associate professor Pamela Karimi and assistant professor María González Pendás. Each of the core members teaches the required history and doctoral courses, offers scholarly development workshops to Ph.D. candidates, and actively participates in the discipline of architectural history. The affiliated faculty in the Field of Architecture with the Subject of HAUD are professor Thomas J. Campanella (Department of City and Regional Planning), associate professors Sean Anderson, Jesse Cavalier and Lily Chi. Several of these faculty members also serve in other Fields, including History of Art, Archaeology, and Visual Studies; Near Eastern Studies; Landscape Architecture; and Romance Studies. Recent HAUD doctoral students' special committees have been composed of faculty in other Fields at Cornell, such as Begüm Adalet (government), Richard F. Brensel (government), Raymond Craib (Latin American history), Iftikhar Dadi (history of art), Salah Hassan (Africana studies), María Fernández (history of art), Magnus Fiskesjö (anthropology), Seema Golestaneh (near eastern Studies), Lori Khatchadourian (near eastern studies), Fouad Makki (global development), Viranjini Munasinghe (anthropology), Tracy McNulty (romance studies), Mustafa Minawi (history), Rachel Prentice (STS), Katherine Sender (feminist, gender, and sexuality studies), Suman Seth (STS), Robert Travers (history), Stephen Vider (history), Geoffrey Carter W. Waite (comparative literature), as well as out-of-Cornell architectural historians who are active researchers in the discipline.
Requirements and Student Learning Outcomes
HAUD students engage in original research that advances and challenges the discipline. They learn to identify and frame questions for the field, develop research strategies for libraries, archives, and museums as well as fieldwork on site and through oral histories. Through advising, seminars, and independent studies, students learn to: situate a research topic within the existing literature; demonstrate facility with primary and secondary literature; and identify potential contributions to the discipline. Through teaching assistantships in architectural history and other subjects, they learn to impart this knowledge to students in a variety of courses. We expect our students to demonstrate broad knowledge of theory and scholarship across relevant fields, advanced research skills, ability to produce and communicate original, publishable research, and effective teaching. We expect our students to demonstrate research skills in the languages spoken or written in places directly related to the topic of their dissertations. Students determine their field of concentration during their coursework and A-Exam in consultation with their advisor and special committee members.
General Requirements for the Ph.D. in HAUD
- Three years of residence in Ithaca (any extended absence from campus during a semester must be approved in advance by the DGS)
- Satisfactory completion of coursework
- Satisfactory performance on the "Q" Exam before the start of the fifth semester (unless exempt—see below)
- Satisfactory performance on the "A" Exam before the start of the seventh semester
- Successful completion of the oral defense, or the "B" exam
- Submission of the thesis to the Graduate School
Sample Schedule
- Semester 1: Coursework, Sage Fellowship, Submit prior M.A. thesis (optional)
- Semester 2: Coursework, Sage Fellowship
- Semester 3: Coursework, T.A. for History of Architecture, Establish a 3-person special committee.
- Semester 4: Coursework, T.A. for History of Architecture, Pass Q-Exam (unless prior M.A. Thesis accepted)
- Semester 5: Prepare for A-Exam, T.A. for History of Architecture or another course
- Semester 6: Prepare and pass A-Exam (Ph.D. candidacy awarded), T.A. for History of Architecture or another course
- Semesters 7-14: Research and write doctoral dissertation
- Semester 12/14: Pass B-Exam (Ph.D. awarded)
Candidates must submit the dissertation within seven years (fourteen semesters) of entering the program. Continuing beyond seven years requires a petition to be submitted to the Graduate School for approval. Students who need to deviate from the normative schedule may do so after coordination with their advisor, DGS, the Department of Architecture, and the Graduate School. (Also see: "Field Exams" and "Funding").
Completion of the Ph.D. program usually requires two years of full-time coursework. A temporary advisor is assigned to each student at the start of the first semester, with whom students work to devise a course of study that meets their needs.
All HAUD students are required to take the following courses:
- ARCH 6800: State of the Discipline
- ARCH 6801: Foundations of the Discipline
- ARCH 6805: Practicum
- A Graduate Seminar in HAUD (Elective)
The three required doctoral courses of HAUD build knowledge of methods and types of questions, as well as the foundational and recent literature about topics that have been important for architectural history. Each of these courses is offered every other year, and first- and second-year students take the required courses together. The courses alternate between faculty, which offers flexibility and integrates changes in the field.
In addition to these required courses, HAUD doctoral students are expected to take various courses in Architecture and across the university. A normal load for first-year students is four classes or a minimum of 12 credits per semester. In the second year, when students have teaching assistantships, the number of classes per semester may be fewer, but a minimum of 12 credits per semester is required. Students should seek to work with all HAUD core faculty at some point during their initial semesters at Cornell, and should also select classes with a view toward a Ph.D. dissertation topic.
Cornell's Satisfactory Academic Progress policy stipulates that students in research degrees must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.25 to be in good academic standing. HAUD students typically sustain a much higher GPA than the Cornell minimum throughout their course of study. Additionally, all students are expected to demonstrate satisfactory performance in their annual Student Progress Review (see below).
During their A-Exam (typically during third year), students are expected to register in ARCH 7809: Graduate Independent Study in HAUD (under individual advisor section). After their A-Exam and during the writing of their dissertations, students are expected to register in ARCH 9901: Ph.D. Dissertation in HAUD (under individual advisor section).
Special Committee
A special committee monitors and mentors a student's graduate study which results in a flexible graduate education tailored to each individual student.
A temporary advisor is assigned to each student at the start of the first semester while the student settles on a major subject that determines a principal advisor and committee chair. The committee chair must represent the major concentration, i.e. history of architecture or history of urban development.
The Special Committee should consist of three members of the graduate faculty, a Chair and two Minor Members. A student selects the members of the special committee, with their consent, from the current graduate faculty across the entire university by the end of the third semester. This deadline might be extended to the fourth semester of study under extenuating circumstances through a petition. The Special committee is intended to ensure a close working relationship between faculty and students and to encourage freedom and flexibility in the design of each student's degree program.
Upon the completion of the dissertation prospectus, students may add non-Cornell advisors to serve on the Special Committee in ad hoc status, at the discretion of the Special Committee Chair, and in addition to the three (3) Cornell serving members.
Student Progress Review
Starting in their second year, and for the duration of the program, HAUD Ph.D. students and candidates are required to complete a Student Progress Review (SPR) using the Graduate School's online system.
The Student Progress Review (SPR) supports regular communication including written feedback between students and their advisors, requiring research degree students and their special committee to have at least one formal conversation each year about academic progress, accomplishments, and plans. Students complete a form describing milestones completed, accomplishments, challenges, and plans. The special committee chair responds in writing and indicates whether the student's progress is excellent, satisfactory, needs improvement, or is unsatisfactory.
The student deadline to complete the form is April 1 and the faculty deadline to complete their part is May 31.
First-year student progress is evaluated using academic transcripts, and is administered by the HAUD Ph.D. Program Committee with the temporary advisor acting as a liaison between the student and the program committee.
Field Exams
Students who enter the program with a master's degree from another institution or program at Cornell — whether in the history of architecture, or a closely allied field such as history of art or historic preservation planning — are given the opportunity to submit their master's thesis for review by the HAUD program committee at the start of their first semester. This should be submitted to the DGS and/or HAUD Faculty Coordinator. If the student's prior thesis is deemed acceptable, the requirement for the qualifying "Q-Exam" is waived. Students without an approved master's thesis will take a Q-Exam before the start of the fifth semester.
The Q-exam is administrated by the HAUD Ph.D. Program committee, and helps faculty to determine the ability of a student to be successful in the remaining years of the program. It is an approximately 30-page revised and reworked version of a seminar paper, written under the supervision of the student's advisor. Students who do not pass the Q-Exam may have the option, at the field's discretion, of either re-taking the Q-exam for one more time or scheduling a separate exam to qualify for a non-thesis master's degree in lieu of continuing in the Ph.D. program.
The "A-Exam"— the Admission to Doctoral Candidacy Examination —is taken before the seventh semester of study (Code F.1.c). This exam, administered by the student's special committee, consists of both written and oral components. Students must coordinate with their Special Committee to establish a format and timeline for the A-Exam. Each committee member will devise a portion of the written exam based on the academic subfield in which they work. Typically, the deliverables for committee members culminate in a 200-page submission. For the oral portion of the exam, the Schedule A Examination and Research Compliance form must be submitted to the Graduate School at least seven days prior to the exam. In the oral exam, the results of the written exam will be reviewed and follow-up questions will be posed in the course of the discussion. All members of the Special Committee must be present during the oral examination. The exam is administered and evaluated by the Special Committee, and the results are communicated by the Special Committee at the conclusion of the exam. In case of an unsatisfactory performance, the A-Exam might be repeated for one additional time. Successful completion formally admits a student to candidacy for the doctoral degree. Students who do not pass the A-Exam, but perform at a level considered equivalent to a passed final examination for the master's degree, may receive the master's degree but without continuation in the Ph.D. program.
The "B-Exam", an oral defense of the dissertation, is the final exam of the doctoral program, taken upon completion of all requirements of the degree. In some cases, this happens as early as the sixth year and the exam should take place no later than the seventh year of study. Candidates must give copies of the dissertation to each member of the committee typically four-six weeks before the expected defense date. The Schedule B Examination form must be received by Graduate Student Services at least seven calendar days prior to the defense.
A typical B-Exam consists of the following components:
PART I: Doctoral Candidate's Public Presentation
PART II: Confidential Committee Deliberations
PART III: Discussion (open to field members only)
At the end of this part, there will be an opportunity for field members to ask questions.
PART IV: Confidential Committee Deliberations
PART V: Results (candidate and committee)
Doctoral candidates make a public 15-20-minute oral presentation of their doctoral dissertation at the beginning of the defense, but the rest of the defense is open only to the committee and field members. All members of the Special Committee must be present during the oral examination. The B-Exam is administered and evaluated by the Special Committee, and the results are communicated by the Special Committee at the conclusion of the exam. The B-Exam cannot be repeated, but the Special Committee may institute a conditional pass. In the event of a conditional pass, the candidate is required to fulfill the requirements and get the approval as specified by the Special Committee during the B-Exam. The B-Exam can be taken no earlier than one month before completion of the minimum registration requirement (Code F.1.d)
Students are allowed 60 days after the final examination to submit approved copies of the dissertation or thesis to the Graduate School. A late-filing fee ($100) will be charged if this requirement is not met.
After the completion of their coursework and A-Exam, Ph.D. candidates must prepare and dissertation, which they will defend in the B-Exam. The dissertation should demonstrate the student's ability to pursue independent and independently motivated research. As a contribution to scholarship and human knowledge, the dissertation represents a substantial creative endeavor. The doctoral dissertation is researched and written under the supervision of the candidate's primary advisor (chair of special committee). Acceptance of the dissertation requires the approval of all the special committee members during the B-Exam. We encourage candidates to publish their work in peer-reviewed venues.
Dissertation Prospectus and Applying for Grants
The graduate school requires, in order to receive a 4th summer of funding, that students have applied for external grants and fellowships. In order to support students in this effort, students are expected to write a dissertation prospectus during or immediately after their A-Exam, which may also be used as a grant proposal. The prospectus is prepared in consultation with the student's committee chair, and typically goes through several drafts.
The prospectus must conform to the standards of scholarly writing within the field in terms of style, and in scholarly apparatus, i.e. footnotes, references, and bibliography. Typically, a prospectus includes:
- The nature of the question or problem to be examined in the dissertation
- The importance of the question or problem to the discipline
- A literature review, including but not limited to:
- The views of earlier major scholars
- What has been missed
- A discussion of methodologies to be used
- A provisional outline of chapters
- A timetable for submission of drafts of each chapter
- A selected bibliography
Mutual Expectations for Mentoring
Cornell supports the Faculty Advancing Inclusive Mentoring (FAIM) framework for faculty/student mentoring that draws upon a strengths-based and identity-informed approach to support mutual growth, development, and success (NASEM, 2019; Windchief, 2019).
The FAIM philosophy, key principles, and core mutual expectation areas for inclusive mentorship provide a foundation for fulfilling mentoring relationships by:
- supporting mentors and mentees as they seek to develop an understanding of one another's expectations, cultures, values, and sources of motivation;
- helping mentors and mentees develop a mentorship plan better aligned to a mentor's and mentee’s strengths, needs, and goals; and
- providing resources and tools that can be adapted and adopted by mentors and mentees to be contextually relevant.
Students are encouraged to visit the FAIM website for resources and tools to support their mentoring relationships. They are invited to work with the graduate field administrator (GFA), who can serve as a liaison between faculty and students, and the director of graduate studies (DGS) of the Field of Architecture who can both provide advice and help navigate mentoring challenges.
Required Training
Per the Code of Legislation, the Graduate Faculty requires all research degree students, both master's and doctoral, to complete responsible conduct of research (RCR) training. This includes training on authorship, peer review, and avoidance and consequences of research misconduct. This training is through the Cornell Office of Research Integrity and Assurance (ORIA) and must be completed before the end of the second semester (Code E.2.a.).
The University requires that any international graduate student must be assessed by Cornell's Center for Teaching Innovation (CTI) before he/she may hold T.A. duties. (This applies to all international students even if he/she attended a University in the U.S. for their undergraduate degree or were exempt from taking the TOEFL.) The Architecture Department requires that this assessment is done within the first year, preferably upon arrival to campus.
Conference Grants
Conference presentations are encouraged, but students should discuss their intentions to present their research with their primary advisor to strategize on timing and ensure the work is ready for presentation at a scholarly venue.
The Graduate School provides conference grants to all graduate students who are invited to present papers or posters at professional conferences. Award amounts are based on geographic location, not actual expenses. The Graduate School tries to fund most requests from students who meet the criteria for eligibility. Only one award will be considered during a single academic year, which is from July 1 through June 30. For information and deadlines, please refer to the Conference Grant Application found on the Graduate School website.
HAUD offers limited funding for graduate student travel to conferences, when they exhaust other opportunities. Every term a call for applications is distributed via email for Bonnie and Robert D. MacDougall Memorial Scholarship, Helen O. and Stephen Jacobs Fund, A. Henry Detweiler Fund that may be used for conference travel. The applications are reviewed by the HAUD Program Committee, and granted as funds allow. This application includes the following:
- Name of conference and session (indicate if student will be presenting a paper).
- Paper title and abstract
- Conference dates
- Budget (including travel costs, lodging, registration fee) and explanation
- Other sources of funding (pending or confirmed) and the dollar amount.
Funds from the department must be requested prior to travel.
Research Travel Grants
The Graduate School awards a small number of research travel grants for academic year, research-related travel in the United States and abroad. These grants are for travel that is directly related to dissertation research. Recipients must be enrolled (full-time or In Absentia) in a graduate research degree program through the Graduate School and must be registered at the time of the award. For detailed information and deadlines, please refer to the Research Travel Grant Application found on the Graduate School website.
HAUD offers limited funding for graduate student research travel, when they exhaust other opportunities. Every term a call for applications is distributed via email for Bonnie and Robert D. MacDougall Memorial Scholarship, Helen O. and Stephen Jacobs Fund, A. Henry Detweiler Fund that may be used for research travel. The applications are reviewed by the HAUD Program Committee, and granted as funds allow. This application includes the following:
- Provisional title of dissertation
- Research proposal
- Archives to be visited and/or interviews scheduled
- Budget (including travel costs, lodging, image reproduction) and explanation
- Other sources of funding (pending or confirmed) and the dollar amount.
Funds from the department must be requested prior to travel.
Research and Travel Grants are also available through the Einaudi Center for International Research.
External Funding
After an internal application process, the HAUD program committee nominates doctoral candidates for the following residential fellowships and dissertation awards. The call for applications and required materials are communicated via email and are open to all registered, In Absentia and LoA students.
The Graham Foundation's Carter Manny Award
HAUD Announcement sent mid-September; internal deadline mid-October. Applications for the Carter Manny Award are available online approx. September 15.
Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts (CASVA) Pre-doctoral Fellowships
HAUD Announcement sent mid-September; internal deadline mid-October.
Canadian Centre for Architecture in Montreal
HAUD Announcement sent early January; internal deadline late January; 2nd deadline mid-February Summer residencies for graduate students conducting research in CCA's library and collections
Students are strongly encouraged to apply for external grants and fellowships after consultation with their committee chairs.
Additional Opportunities for Funding at Cornell
* Einaudi Center & Core Programs (more information available on program websites):
* FLAS: Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships:
* Fulbright-Hays DDRA Fellowship:
* Society for the Humanities:
(Also announces distinct grants every year, such as "Dissertation Writing Groups," “Grants for Doctoral Research")
* Institute for Comparative Modernities (funding for reading groups)
* Atkinson Center Fellowships (for students with an interest in sustainability):
* Center for the Study of Inequality:
* Cornell Graduate School Travel Funding:
* Cornell Graduate Residence Fellow (not a research fellowship but provides free housing, meals, and a modest stipend for graduate students):
* Engaged Cornell Graduate Student Grants:
Additionally, there are many external fellowships, depending on a student's area of research, such as fellowships at the Getty Research Institute, CCA, CASVA, Graham Foundation, SAH, Kress, Social Science Research Council, Ford Foundation Pre-doctoral Fellowship, Council for European Studies, etc..
For more information:
Student Offices: An office space is provided to students starting in their first year of study. Students may keep the office as long as space is available. Additionally, Cornell libraries offer spaces for individual use upon application.
Field Based Professional Development
HAUD faculty regularly organize Orientations, Open Houses and Workshops on writing book proposals, abstracts, and C.V.s; giving conference presentations; curating exhibitions; delivering job talks; and other professional development skills. One or two workshops are organized a term based on Ph.D. students' requests.
We also encourage students to use the resources available at the Center for Teaching Innovation Welcome | Center for Teaching Innovation (, including but not limited to the Teaching Portfolio Program Teaching Portfolio Program | Center for Teaching Innovation (
Students are encouraged to participate in extra curricular events at Cornell
Important University-wide events that may be of interest:
AAP Events Page:
Architecture Events Page:
Atkinson Center Events:
Cornell University Events:
Einaudi Center for International Studies (click on each program for the events):
Institute for Comparative Modernities Events:
Society for the Humanities Events:
Admitted Ph.D. students in HAUD are guaranteed at least five years of funding from Cornell, which covers tuition, living stipend and health insurance. The funding consists of 2 years of Sage fellowship and 3 years of T.A.ship. HAUD doctoral candidates are typically given an additional opportunity to teach their own first-year writing seminar. Many students are able to extend the period of time during which they are funded with internal or external grants (see "Resources”).
Normally, during first and fourth years of study, students receive a fellowship from the Graduate School (Sage Fellowship) with no teaching responsibilities. The fellowship may not be combined with another fellowship in the same academic year. The fourth year Sage fellowship is only available upon successful completion of the A- Exam. It may be postponed if student secures external funding, and does not need to be used in two consecutive terms. An external fellowship will not replace any fellowship offered by Cornell, but may be used to replace assistantship funding or to extend the number of years of support towards the degree program. (See "External Funding" under “Resources")
Teaching Assistantship
In other years, student financial aid package requires that they serve as a Teaching Assistant (T.A.) in a lecture or large seminar course, or to teach their own first-year writing seminar. Teaching assistants work on average 15 hours per week, not to exceed 20 hours in any given week. In addition to pursuing their doctoral studies, Ph.D. students contribute to education in undergraduate and graduate programs by serving as T.A.s in required history courses. Some students seek out T.A. responsibilities in other departments and programs. Teaching assignments are made based on course enrollment and departmental needs.
Summer support
The funding package includes summer support, with the stipulation that the student actively pursues scholarship over the summer and maintains satisfactory academic progress. For students to be eligible for summer funding for the first two years, an Academic Plan form must be submitted to the Graduate School by May 1. To be eligible for the second year of summer funding, a Special Committee must be assembled by the end of the third semester of registration (under extenuating circumstances, this might be extended to the fourth semester). Students will be eligible for the third year of summer funding only after passing the A-exam, or committing to attempt the A-exam prior to the start of the seventh semester.
Beyond the Financial Aid Package
Funding beyond the initial financial package can on occasion be offered, but is constrained by available resources and annual contingencies. Only students who have demonstrated successful academic progress and sufficient application attempts for external funding will be eligible for extensions and additional financial packages. Students who require more time to complete their degree should discuss their situation and develop a plan with their committee chair and the DGS. After seven years of support, no funding will be provided by the Graduate School nor should it be expected from the department. No student will be permitted to take T.A. positions at Cornell after their seventh year. Students who are not in residence at Cornell during fieldwork may apply for "In Absentia" status. Students who may need to pause or extend their study due to life events can apply for a health or personal "Leave of Absence".
See "External Funding" under “Resources"
Important websites that may be of interest:
AAP Home Page:
AAP Funding Opportunities:
Architecture Department Home Page:
HAUS Web Page:
Graduate School Home Page:
Graduate School's Code of Legislation:
Graduate School Forms:
Graduate School Funding Opportunities:
Cornell's Office of Global Learning:
Cornell Office of the Bursar (contact information):
Cornell Payroll Office (contact information):
Cornell Student Health Benefits (Contact Information):