Gail Fitzgerald and Carl Ostendarp: Stuff and Things

Poster announcement for Stuff and Things. image / provided
In the 40 years since they met as art students in Boston, Gail Fitzgerald and Carl Ostendarp have had the good fortune to exhibit their work together in several contexts. These include two-person exhibitions in 1991 at Galerie Marc Jancou, Zurich, and in 1998 at the Ohio University Art Gallery, Athens, Ohio. They've also worked together as collaborators on installations including Plasti-Kool at Carroll and Sons Gallery, Boston, 2010; Silent Pictures at The Tony and Amie James Gallery, New York City, 2009; and Relativity Suite at The Pitch Project, Milwaukee, 2015. Stuff and Things represents an opportunity to share works from across this span of time with the campus and town communities.