Eduardo Cilleruelo Terán: Post-Lands

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Exhibition Description
The imperceptible footprint of internet data traffic is precipitating novel trends at the intersection of architecture and technology. Data centers have metamorphosed into chambers of marvels wherein our information is meticulously stored, processed, and disseminated for a myriad of purposes across vast hierarchical structures. Interpersonal exchanges have transitioned into a global symphony, reshaping the very fabric of architectural constructs. The proliferation of automation, the burgeoning logistics sector, and the industrialization of construction have delineated new boundaries between the human form and our constructed milieu. These developments are propelling us into realms of speculative construction, where infrastructure transcends mere facilitation of human activities, metamorphosing built environments into entities with multifaceted identities.
Post-Lands introduces a series of processes, inquiries, and conjectures surrounding the iconography of the data center, inviting visitors to assume the role of observers within its Technocene era. Through a sequence of chambers, the exhibition endeavors to reimagine the potential approaches to these territories, wherein we exist as only partial observers. What defines a building and our role within is transforming — meanwhile, we keep active as fundamental users of the data transaction game. Data centers are our new medieval castles, in a time where society and powers are shifting under unstoppable technological growth.
Eduardo Cilleruelo Terán is a New York/Madrid-based architect, researcher, and educator. He holds the position of Design Teaching Fellow at the College of Architecture, Art, and Planning at Cornell University. As part of his research and practice, he has been committed to the analysis of infrastructural relationships under the canopy of data management and its consequences in the architectural realm. Recently, he was awarded the Prize of Excellence (Space Group, Seoul, fall 2022) for his studies of data civicness and urban possibilities in vertical public connectors in New York City. In collaboration with Associate Professor Jesse LeCavalier, Teráne cocurated a public exhibition and symposium, Common Clouds, in Berlin, Germany, in June 2023 addressing the domains of technology intersecting with architectural typologies. In 2023, he received a Cornell Council for the Arts award, presenting the exhibition Data Tactics, Information Control, and Colonization Strategies in the Data Center Technocene at Cornell University.