Universum Carrousel Journey
This studio is entitled making meandering meaning and envisage; an understanding between how things are made and which meaning this making eventually might have. Or vice versa: how certain ideas might be given form. The studio debated that deeply. In a changing order. Meandering between the making and the meaning. The studio was organized in two movements. The first movement studied five different exemplary houses through three different cultures, America, Japan, and Europe. And each time one house was about 'architecture history', one about 'typology and tradition', one situated in 'the 20th-century history', one in 'the 21st-century history' and one of a 'non defined history.'
The study was happening by drawing and modeling. The aim was to understand the relation between the making—construction, material, and detail—and the meaning—context, culture, and tradition. Drawing and modeling are once again key. How the method of observing—rather than analyzing—and imagination—rather than conceptualizing—might lead to the creation of a certain universe.
Studio Professors
Jan De Vylder, Kana Arioka
Olivia Calalo, Peng Zhang, Krishna Parikh, Emily Xing, Zoey Zhou, Maya Kamaeva, Mitchie Qiao, Hansen Sentosa, Natalia Gulick, Benji Magin, Jingyan Ma, Hammad Ahsan
Second Movement: Courtyard Setting by Krishna Parikh (M.S. AAD '20).
First Movement: Spatial Organisation by Krishna Parikh (M.S. AAD '20), Emily Xing (M.Arch. '20).
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