Terra Incognita

- Jessica Jiang, B.Arch. 2017
Austin, TexasClass
ARCH 3102 Design VI (ROME)Instructor
Andrea Simitch
Terra Incognita presents a speculative manifesto for the future of Rome. The fictive scenario caricatures Rome as a series of monument stops, patchworks that are dogmatically preserved and elevated to a sacred value. Terra Incognita utilizes the railway ring along the periphery of Rome. This ring is envisioned as a new icon of leisure and tourism, inverting the urban condition of the precious historic center. Initially populated by spoliated monuments, the periphery loop ultimately is overtaken by contemporary monuments endowed with authenticity. As a satirical interpretation of the preservationist impulses of the city, this project proposes a monument pavilion and linear park in Quattro Venti that indexes and distills landscapes across Italy that are soon to disappear.