Joshua Rotbert

- M.R.P. 2020
New York, New YorkWebsite
Josh Rotbert Portfolio
Joshua Rotbert is a social scientist, visual artist, and regional planner based in the greater New York metropolitan area. His practice and research are directed by a long-term interest in cultivating progressive and informed urban policy and design frameworks. Specifically concerned with emergent trends in environmental planning and climate change adaptation, Joshua's concerns are driven by a deep interest in the shared prosperity of communities and the global environment. Combining diverse disciplines, from geography and visual design, he seeks to mitigate risks, manage competing interests, and implement tangible solutions to the emergent challenges of the 21st century.
Joshua is the recipient of the Graduate Community Service Award, and the Portman Family Graduate Student Award from the Department of City and Regional Planning at Cornell. Through his coursework, he received the Student Project Award from the American Planning Association alongside other students for their work conducted in the spring 2019 Coastal Adaptation to Climate Change workshop taught by Assistant Professor Linda Shi. Additionally, he and his teammate Anushi Garg (M.R.P. '20) were awarded first place in the Department of City and Regional Planning's first Annual Poster Design Competition in 2018.
Joshua received his Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology from Bard College.