Disintegrative Praxis

- Dillon Pranger, M.Arch. 2015
Wolcottville, IndianaClass
ARCH 8912 Independent Design Thesis (fall 2014)Instructor
Werner Goehner
Mark Morris
Disintegrative Praxis posits that architecture borne from the complexity of events past and object ruination within a site's history produces an architecture of recollection. This search for remembrance addresses juxtaposing elements of history and future development through a series of interventions mediating the two.
Residual artifacts and systems, once part of the former Gdansk Shipyards, remain inflicted by turbulent social and material history, but are void of recollective function. In an attempt to engage these objects, architectural follies exploit the site's continual disassemblage and reconfiguration over the course of time to establish a model from which found artifacts can in turn be metaphorically disassembled and reprogrammed for examination of the site's former existence.