Werner Goehner
A registered architect in Germany, Werner Goehner has been associate director of the Department of Comprehensive Urban Development in Karlsruhe. He has won numerous honors, including a DAAD Fellowship, the Cornell Outstanding Educator Award, and numerous prizes in international professional urban design and museum design competitions, including an invitation to the International Building Exhibition in Berlin. He was recently invited to lecture at conferences in Mumbai, Berlin, Como, and Istanbul.
Goehner teaches a third-year undergraduate design studio, conducts a pro-seminar in thesis design research, and has served as the associate dean and director of graduate studies. While teaching in the post-professional graduate program, he conducted urban design studios in and about Berlin, New York City, Vienna, Detroit, Mumbai, and Istanbul. He directed special Cornell summer programs in Europe, South America, North Africa, Southeast Asia, and China.
He studied at the Universität Karlsruhe, the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris, and Cornell University.
Academic Research/Specialty Areas
- Architectural design
- Urbanism
Classes (Selected)
- ARCH 2101 Design III/ARCH 2102 Design IVStudents develop an understanding of context and precedent in the construction of architectural form, and are introduced to contextual and programmatic densities in addition to circulatory, spatial, and organizational strategies in the design process.
- ARCH 3109 Elective DesignNonsequence design studio used for off-campus foreign programs for third-year B.Arch. students. Credit will be applied toward ARCH 4101 upon successful completion of ARCH 3102.
- ARCH 3101 Design V/ARCH 3102 Design VIDesign and development of complex architectural projects situated in urban contexts and developed with regard to program, site, building, and representation.
- ARCH 5110 Thesis ProseminarLectures, seminars, and independent research leading to the production of the student's thesis program. General instruction in the conceiving, programming, and development of a thesis.
- ARCH 3307 Special Investigations in Theory of ArchitectureIndependent study.
Awards, Grants, and Fellowships (Selected)
- First Prize Award: Architectural Design Competition: Kunsthalle Karlsruhe
- Third Prize Award: Architectural Design Competition: Fine Arts Museum in Bonn
- Honorable Mention: International Urban Design Competition: "Lützowplatz," Berlin
- Design Award for the Montessori Elementary School in Ithaca
- Faculty Fellowship Award of the Society for the Humanities, Cornell
Publications (Selected)
- "On O. M. Ungers," A+U Nr 428 (May 2006)
- "Unger's Lost Project," Sichtweisen, Betrachtungen zum Werk O. M. Ungers, Cologne (2000)