Returning from a Leave of Absence Checklist

Students returning from a leave of absence should follow all of the steps below, in the order they are listed.

1. Notify AAP

Notify AAP that you intend to return from leave by contacting AAP student services.

  1. Complete and submit a request to return from a leave of absence form
  2. Develop a semester-by-semester academic plan outlining how all remaining degree requirements will be satisfied

Important Dates

In order to allow adequate time for processing and academic planning, the AAP deadline to request a fall semester return is March 1 or October 1 for a spring semester return. Our staff will work with you on academic and logistical planning for your first semester back and processing your return.

Contact Information

Office of Student Services
B56 Sibley Hall
(607) 255-4376

Things to consider prior to submitting your request:

  • What indicators from your time on leave demonstrate your readiness to return to the rigors of academic life at Cornell?
  • What do you think is a manageable number of credits for you to take during your first semester back at Cornell?
  • What classes are you planning to take that play to your strengths?
  • In what ways will your selected classes allow for balance in terms of the skills and amount of time required for each class?
  • What do you consider to be your greatest strengths (academic and/or personal)?
  • Have you made contact with your faculty advisor?
  • What communities or interests shape your social life at Cornell (clubs, religious groups, resource centers, etc.)? What steps have you taken to reconnect with peers or create a new network?

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2. Contact Health Leaves Coordinator

If you are returning from a health leave of absence, contact the Health Leaves Coordinator and complete the steps outlined on the Preparing to Return From a Health Leave of Absence website.

  1. Notify the Health Leaves Coordinator of your intent to return
  2. Submit documentation of treatment
  3. Make arrangements for any ongoing care that you may require

Important Dates

  • Fall semester return: notify Cornell Health of intent to return by June 1, submit documentation of treatment by July 1
  • Spring semester return: notify Cornell Health of intent to return by November 1, submit documentation of treatment by December 1
  • Summer session return: notify Cornell Health of intent to return by April 1, submit documentation of treatment by May 1

Contact Information

Cornell Health (formerly known as Gannett Health Services)
110 Ho Plaza
(607) 255-5155

Things to consider:

  • What concerns do you have about returning from a health leave? What help do you need to address those concerns?
  • What campus resources will you access to support your return, and what type of support do you need? Examples: Cornell Health, Student Disability Services, AAP Academic Services, Cornell Minds Matter, others (please specify)
  • What personal resources can you rely on for support once you return to campus? Examples: Family, private physician or therapist, friends, other (please specify)
  • What will you need to make time to do this semester in order to maintain your health and well-being? Examples: Eating well, exercise, sleep, meditation, socializing, other (please specify)
  • How (or when) will you build in time for these activities that support your well-being?
  • What warning signs should you be aware of (and look for) that indicate that you may be having issues related to your health and well-being?
  • What is the most helpful way for AAP staff to contact you if we are concerned about your well-being (email, phone, text, etc.)?

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3. Apply for On-Campus Housing

Once your return from leave has been processed, you can apply for on-campus housing. See the Living@Cornell for instructions and application information.


  • Applications for spring semester housing are accepted from October 1 to December 1
  • Applications for fall semester/academic year housing are accepted beginning March 30

Contact Information

206 Robert Purcell Community Center
(607) 255-4722

If you plan to live off-campus, we encourage you to contact the Off-campus Living Office (, 541 Willard Straight Hall, (607) 255-2310) for information and services that will help you make an informed housing decision.

Things to consider:

  • What housing situation will be the most beneficial for your first semester after a leave? (Consider the following: On or off campus; alone or with roommates; distance from campus; access to grocery stores and transportation.)
  • Have you updated your local address and emergency contact information in the Student Center?

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4. Contact the Office of Financial Aid

Once AAP has processed your return from leave, the Office of Financial Aid can prepare an aid package for you, provided that you have submitted all of the necessary financial aid application materials.

Important Dates

Students returning from leave are considered current students, so you must submit your application by May 15. Detailed instructions are available through the Office of Financial Aid.

Contact Information

Financial Aid
203 Day Hall
(607) 255-5145

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5. Settle all Financial Accounts

In order to be a registered student at Cornell University, you will need to settle all financial accounts, including current semester tuition, activity fees, housing, dining, CornellCard, and prior semester charges.

  1. Check your Cornell email regularly for notification that a bill has been posted to CashNet. You will be billed through CashNet, and you can check CashNet for outstanding balances.
  2. Contact the Office of the Bursar if you have questions about charges or payments.

Important Dates

You must resolve any outstanding balances before AAP can approve your return from leave. Please note that enrollment in classes does not constitute or imply university registration.

Contact Information

Office of the Bursar
260 Day Hall
(607) 255-2336

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6. Contact International Services in the Office of Global Learning (International Students)

If you are an international student, you must contact International Services in the Office of Global Learning regarding your plans to return to full-time enrollment or extend your health leave. There are different immigration procedures depending on the type of leave you take.

Contact Information

Office of Global Learning - International Services
B50 Caldwell Hall
(607) 255-5243

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7. Consider Registering with Student Disability Services

Consider registering with Student Disability Services (SDS) before you return to campus. If you took a leave of absence to address a physical or mental health condition, you may qualify for and benefit from ongoing support and accommodations.

A condition is considered a disability if it prevents or substantially limits the ability to perform a major life activity or significantly restricts the condition, manner, or duration in performing the major life activity compared to the average person. SDS can work with you to arrange academic, housing, transportation, or other accommodations when you return to Cornell.

Important Dates

Accommodations cannot be offered retroactively, so it is advantageous to register with SDS and make arrangements before the semester begins.

Contact Information

Student Disability Services (SDS)
Cornell Health, 110 Ho Plaza, Level 5
(607) 254-4545

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8. Attend Orientation Programs for Students Returning From Leave

Attend orientation programs and ongoing support for students returning from a leave of absence.

Cornell Minds Matter is a student organization that offers programs and events throughout the semester to promote mental health and well-being. The Cornell Minds Matter resource center offers healthy snacks and is staffed by trained student volunteers from 4–7 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Important Dates

Support for students returning from leave is available on Thursdays from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the Willard Straight Hall music room.

Contact Information

Cornell Minds Matter
203 Willard Straight Hall
(607) 255-1042

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