Viviana Andriola
Viviana Andriola is an urban planner who specializes in urban and regional policies. Since 2008, she has engaged in research and educational and professional practices in universities and consulting companies in the field of urban policies and local development. Since 2012, she has worked with Cornell in Rome as a teaching associate in the Rome Workshop (Department of City and Regional Planning). She also sits on the editorial board of UrbanisticaTre. In 2015, she cofounded GU | Generazione Urbana, an independent research team aimed at promoting the diffusion of the culture of urban dynamics. Andriola holds a Ph.D.
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Classes (Selected)
- CRP 3723 European CitiesThe course will focus on European Cities and the challenges they are facing in a globalized economy. It provides a knowledge framework in the fields of urban planning and policies affecting European cities in the framework of the European integration process with the aim of making students achieve a better understanding of the constituents of European cities. By mixing historical perspectives with contemporary policy and project analysis, students will have an overview of the complex notion of Urban Europe useful for future research in urbanism and urban policies.
Publications (Selected)
- "Planning for all generations," eds. Andriola V., Muccitelli S., iQuaderni di Urbanistica Tre 15 (2017).
- "Urban consciousness. The evidence of a lack," eds. Andriola V., Muccitelli S., Vazzoler N., iQuaderni di UrbanisticaTre 8 (2016)
- "Il progetto pilota di Riano come occasione d’apprendimento," in "Inclusione fragile. Migrazione nei piccoli comuni del Lazio," eds. Andriola V., Fioretti C., iQuaderni di UrbanisticaTre 11 (2016)
- Andriola V., Vazzoler N., "Venticinque sguardi sulla Roma del futuro/Twenty-five gazes on the future city of Rome," in ROMA 20-25 Nuovi cicli di vita della metropoli – New life cycles for the metropolis, eds. Ciorra P., Garofalo F., Rossi P.O. (Quodlibet, 2015)