Leslie Brack

Leslie Brack's most recent solo exhibitions were at Brooklyn's Cathouse Proper (2021 and 2017/18), Ithaca College (2017), and the Herbert F. Johnson Museum at Cornell (2015). She has also curated exhibitions at New York City galleries Momenta Art (2009 and 2000) and Winkleman Gallery (2011). In 2009, she co-researched and launched the Womanhouse website, the most popular internet resource for the influential feminist-artist collaboration from 1972. Brack has received support from the Pollock-Krasner Foundation, the Corporation of Yaddo, the Ucross Foundation, and the Millay Colony, among others. She holds an M.F.A. in painting and drawing from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and also teaches in the Cornell Prison Education Program.

Academic Research/Specialty Areas

  • Drawing
  • Painting

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Classes (Selected)

  • ART 2503 Introduction to DrawingThis foundation drawing course introduces students to a broad range of conceptual and technical approaches. It introduces traditional and nontraditional materials, and covers diverse pictorial strategies and subject matter. A significant component is exposure to art historical precedents. This course also serves as an introduction to critique techniques and to the discipline of maintaining a journal.
  • ART 2201 Introduction to PaintingThis foundation drawing course introduces students to a broad range of conceptual and technical approaches. It introduces traditional and nontraditional materials, and covers diverse pictorial strategies and subject matter. A significant component is exposure to art historical precedents. This course also serves as an introduction to critique techniques and to the discipline of maintaining a journal.

Awards, Grants, and Fellowships (Selected)

  • Blue Mountain Center Residency (2021)
  • Hambidge Center Residency (2019)
  • PLAYA Residency (2018)
  • Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant (2017)
  • VCCA Residency (2017)

Exhibitions and Presentations (Selected)

  • Paradise and Other Fires, Cathouse Proper, Brooklyn, NY (2021)
  • Memorandum, Cathouse Proper, Brooklyn, NY (2017)
  • Memorandum, Handwerker Gallery at Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY, curated by Mara Baldwin (2017)
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