Anna Dietzsch

Anna Dietzsch is an architect and urban designer, with degrees from the University of Sao Paulo and Harvard. She is currently partner in charge of Arquitetura da Convivencia (ArC) and integrates the Hudson Valley Collaborative and the Design for Six Feet Platform. She coordinates the Architecture and the Biosphere Platform at Escola da Cidade and has taught at Columbia University and City College. For the past 20 years she has worked between São Paulo and New York and her portfolio includes the 9/11 Memorial Museum in New York, the Pop-up Pool at Brooklyn Bridge Park, the Sarah Lawrence College Master Plan, the Victor Civita Plaza, the Vila Madalena Linear Park and the urbanization of Sao Francisco Global, the third largest favela in Sao Paulo. Her research about the urbanization of the Brazilian Amazon proposes the design of a city forest to reconcile the rupture between "natural" and "urban".

Academic Research/Specialty Areas

  • Architectural design
  • Community-based planning and development
  • Landscape architecture
  • Sustainability
  • Urbanism

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Classes (Selected)

  • ARCH 4101/4102/5101/5115 Option Studio | Forest City: Xingu
  • ARCH 3308/6308/4408/6408 Seminar | Spaces of Alterity: The Long House

Awards, Grants, and Fellowships (Selected)

  • American Institute of Architects (AIA) Honorable Mention in Urban Design, New York (2014)
  • Institute of Brazilian Architects (IAB) Honorable Mention in Urban Design, Sao Paulo (2012)
  • Institute of Brazilian Architects (IAB) First Prize in Urban Design, Sao Paulo (2008)

Exhibitions and Presentations (Selected)

  • What Does an Ethical Landlord Look Like? Chicago Architectural Biennial (2019)
  • Design for Six Feet, Urban Forum, Gallery of Urban Ideas: Shared Streets, New York, (2020)
  • Indigeneity and Urbanization in the Amazon, Lecture at Columbia University, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, New York (2018)
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