Serena Muccitelli

Serena Muccitelli is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Architecture, Roma Tre University. She is engaged in both professional practice and research in the field of integrated policies for sustainable urban and regional development for public and private institutions and within European Cooperation Projects. Her research area is focused on urban and environmental planning, collaborative governance, public participation, and local development.

She graduated in 2010 from the Faculty of Architecture at Roma Tre University and received her Ph.D. in Territorial Policies and Local Development in 2015. Since 2010, she has taught at Roma Tre University and Cornell University's Rome program as a Visiting Critic.


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Classes (Selected)

  • CRP 3723 European CitiesThe course will focus on European Cities and the challenges they are facing in a globalized economy. It provides a knowledge framework in the fields of urban planning and policies affecting European cities in the framework of the European integration process with the aim of making students achieve a better understanding of the constituents of European cities. By mixing historical perspectives with contemporary policy and project analysis, students will have an overview of the complex notion of Urban Europe useful for future research in urbanism and urban policies.

Publications (Selected)

  • Muccitelli, S. 2024, Domande di città, diritti alla città. Una genealogia. In Palazzo A.L. & Cappuccitti A. (eds.) Rigenerazione urbana. Sfide e strategie. Carocci, Roma
  • Muccitelli, S. 2024, Il Modello Barcellona: ascesa e insuccessi. In Palazzo A.L. & Cappuccitti A. (eds.) Rigenerazione urbana. Sfide e strategie. Carocci, Roma
  • Muccitelli, S., Pozzi, C., D’Ascanio, R., & Magaudda, S. 2023, "Environmental Contract: A Collaborative Tool to Improve the Multilevel Governance of European MPAs". Sustainability15(10), 8174.
  • Benelli F., Cossu M., Laniado E., Sigismondi C., Magaudda S. & Muccitelli S. 2022, "Challenging resilience of the agroecosystems in the Agro Pontino: focusing on ecosystem services and land stewardship in agri-environmental governance and planning" in Colucci A. & Pesaro G. (eds.) [ECO]systems of Resilience Practices Contributions for Sustainability and Climate Change Adaptation, Elsevier, Chennai, India
  • D’Ascanio, R., Magaudda, S., Muccitelli, S. & Palazzo, A.L. 2022, "The Marine Protected Area Contract as a collaborative governance tool: the Lazio region case study", AESOP Annual Congress Space for Species: Redefining Spatial Justice, Book of proceedings. Vol. 34 n.2
  • Palazzo, A. L., Muccitelli, S., D’Ascanio, R., Pozzi, C., and Magaudda, S. (eds), 2021, Environmental Contracts in Marine Protected Areas: methodology and pilot cases from TUNE UP, leNote di U3, n. 3, ISSN 1973-9702
  • Ernoul L., Vera P., Gusmaroli G., Muccitelli S., Pozzi C., Magaudda S., Polajnar Horvat K., Smrekar A., Satta A., Monti F. 2021, "Use of voluntary environmental contracts for wetland governance in the European Mediterranean region", Marine and Freshwater Research, 73, 1166-1173.
  • Magaudda S., Muccitelli S., Pozzi C. & Palazzini C. 2021, "Collaborative governance for coastal landscape integrated management. The Agro Pontino Coast Contract", Landscape at risk, Vol2, Sustainable Mediterranean Construction, Special Issue No. 5, Luciano Editore, Napoli
  • D’Ascanio R., Magaudda S., Muccitelli S. & Palazzo A.L. 2020, "'Greening' Green Infrastructure. Good Italian Practices for Enhancing Green Infrastructure through the Common Agricultural Policy", Sustainability, 12, 2301. ISSN 2071-1050 (PEER REVIEWED)


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