
Thursday, March 24, 2022

Cornell Atkinson Advances Four Joint Research Projects, Deepens EDF Partnership

Assistant Professor Linda Shi, CRP, will assist the new NYC Mayor's Office of Climate and Environmental Justice in connecting housing advocacy groups, community organizations, academics, and government staff to develop strategies for flood relief.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Online Archive Showcases Work of AAP Alumni

In Cornellians, AAP launches a web-based alumni archive highlighting a broad range of talent among graduates of the architecture, art, and planning disciplines at Cornell.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Sharing History: The AAP Alumni Archive

Generously supported by alumna Mui Ho (B.Arch.'66), the new AAP Alumni Archive is built on her belief in the importance of community connections across time.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

A Mediator for Environmental Cleanup

View the work and environmental legacy of Susan Boyle (M.R.P. '82) in the AAP Alumni Archive.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Engaging Communities

Explore Henry Richardson's (B.Arch. '68, M.Arch. '70, M.R.P. '71) life's work that uses design to "translate community ideas" in the AAP Alumni Archive.

Monday, January 24, 2022

Spring 2022: A Look Ahead

Following two years of extraordinary effort and resolve, flexibility, imagination, and creativity fuel the upcoming semester.

Friday, January 14, 2022

Students Engage with Black 'Memory Workers' in NYC

Students travel to Brownsville, Brooklyn to explore African American heritage sites and meet the people whose work keeps this history alive. In the Cornell Chronicle.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

CRP's Design Connect, 13 Years of Student-Led Upstate New York Impact

Design Connect participants and leaders reflect on over a decade of successful projects and the organization's unique benefit to students from various disciplines, who collaborate among themselves and with groups across the Upstate New York area.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Revealing Climate Change Inequities, Redress, and Environmental Justice

CRP Assistant Professor Linda Shi discusses her timely research on populations vulnerable to climate change injustices and the planning discipline's critical contributions to the global discussion on adaptation and the future of cities.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Einaudi Center Announces New Global Public Voices Fellows

As Global Public Voice Fellows, Professor Victoria Beard, CRP, and other Cornell faculty will use their expertise to shape public debates about global policy issues and advocate for a more just and equitable future. In The Cornell Chronicle.

Friday, October 22, 2021

Cornell Launches $5B Campaign 'To Do the Greatest Good'

The major fundraising campaign aims to shape Cornell as the model university for the 21st century & beyond, building on its foundation of world-class academics, research, & engagement — in the words of founder Ezra Cornell, "To Do the Greatest Good."

Friday, October 22, 2021

Fundraising Campaign Includes Focus On Affordability

Cornell is launching a sweeping new initiative aimed at making its education even more accessible to the most talented students from all socioeconomic backgrounds.

Monday, October 18, 2021

Student-designed 'TCAT to Trails' Map Plots Path to Nature

A project by Design Connect's Emile Bensedrine (B.S. URS '23), Quinn Kelly (M.R.P. '21), Catherine Cullen (B.S. URS '21), Edward Guo (B.S. URS '23), Paine Gronemeyer (B.S. URS '24), Devon Perlo (B.S. URS '23). In the Cornell Chronicle.

Friday, October 1, 2021

Historical Marker To Honor Ithaca Birthplace of Tuskegee Airman Verdelle Louis Payne

A chance connection led CRP's Professor Thomas J. Campanella to tell the story of Verdelle Louis Payne, Ithaca-born and among the first Black pilots from Upstate New York as well as a military pilot in the U.S. Armed Forces.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

States That Prioritized Access to Water at Height of Pandemic Saved Lives

Featured by the Cornell Chronicle, a paper by lead author and public policy expert Professor Mildred Warner, CRP, says states that implemented moratoria on water shutoffs to protect vulnerable citizens reported better public health outcomes.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Every Street Has Stories To Tell

A Cornell Research profile of historian and Professor of Planning Thomas Campanella describes his varied research interests and a signature writing style driven by enthusiasm, curiosity, and finding meaning in unexpected places.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

AAP Welcomes New Staff Who Stepped In as Challenges Stepped Up

The college recognizes nine new and recent staff members who stepped into a wide variety of roles since the beginning of the pandemic, a time of extraordinary circumstances and adjustments.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

New and Renewed: AAP's Fall 2021 Semester

The fall semester at AAP brings renewed energy with a host of new students, faculty, classes, and a welcome return of exhibitions, lectures, teaching, learning, and making at the Ithaca, New York City, and Rome campuses.

Friday, July 9, 2021

The Urban Everyday

Sophie Oldfield, incoming faculty and chair of the Department of City and Regional Planning shares experiences and thoughts on global differences, commonalities, and the complexity of urban life across layered geographies.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Sara Bronin, Newly Appointed Chair in Biden Administration, to Join Cornell AAP, Law School

The Cornell Daily Sun predicts Planning and Law students will learn from new CRP faculty Professor Sara Bronin's real-world experiences and expertise. This fall, Bronin will teach a course on historic preservation law.

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