Reunion 2022

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We hope to see you on The Hill for reunion this June! Regardless of graduation year, reconnect with old and new friends in beautiful Ithaca, New York, and mark art and architecture department anniversaries with these events during Cornell Reunion Weekend:
Rubacha Featured Speakers Lecture Series: Talks with Peter Eisenman (B.Arch. '54) and Shelly Silver (B.F.A. '80)
Friday, June 10, 4:30–5:45 p.m.
Milstein Auditorium, Milstein Hall
Attend in person or remotely.
AAP All-Alumni Anniversary Reception
Friday, June 10, 5:30–7 p.m.
Mallin Sculpture Court, Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art
AAP All-Alumni Breakfast
Saturday, June 11, 8–9:45 a.m.
Johnson Museum Tent, Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art
Cornell Reunion Olin Lecture with Olalekan Jeyifous (B.Arch. '99)*
Saturday, June 11, 3–4 p.m.
Bailey Hall
*If you will be attending this event, you need to be registered for Reunion regardless of graduation year. If you have any questions regarding Reunion registration, contact
Measures and Meaning
Visit an exhibition of selected artworks by the AAP community on view across the college's galleries and exhibition spaces.
Thursday, June 9–Saturday, June 11, 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Sunday, June 12, 9 a.m.–3 p.m.
Tour the Mui Ho Fine Arts Library in Rand Hall
Friday, June 10, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.: Self-guided tour.
Saturday, June 11, 10:15–11:15 a.m.: Guided tour by Marsha Taichman, Visual Resources, and Public Services Librarian, and Frank Parish, Director of Facilities for the College of Architecture, Art, and Planning.
Handouts will be available at the circulation desk to assist with your tour. Since the walkways are grated, please do not wear heels (stiletto); you may feel most comfortable wearing pants.
For the most up-to-date information and full registration for all Reunion events, visit the Cornell Reunion website.
We kindly recommend that you register for Reunion regardless of graduation year. If you have any questions regarding Reunion registration, contact
We look forward to seeing you!