Will Ritter and Nina Davis: A Personal History
Exhibition Abstract
A Personal History is an exhibition that seeks to magnify the process of observation and self-realization, allowing the viewer to integrate the ordinary, to "wake up" to the world that surrounds us. Through photographs, found objects, and text, a unifying dialogue makes possible these intimate connections. Much like an archaeology collection where an entire life is displayed, it is only in our removal, chronological or geographical, that we can become aware of the metaphysical and metaphorical strings that run through the objects. Here, we are presenting our own personal histories — those things we've found to be most important in our own lives, and hope might be a conduit to some sort of awakening. In the words of Annie Dillard, "We live half our waking lives and all of our sleeping lives in some private, useless, and insensible waters we never mention or recall. Useless, I say. Valueless, I might add — until someone hauls their wealth up to the surface and into the wide-awake city, in a form that people can use."