Structural Systems Class Models, Fall 2024

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Exhibition Description
Columns and walls. Beams and beam grids, diagrids, and reciprocal framing systems. Trusses and space frames and tensegrity systems. Braced frames, rigid frames, and shear walls. Suspension and stayed cable systems. Cable nets, as well as fabric membranes. Arches, vaults, and domes. Slabs, folded plates, and curvilinear shells.
Professor Mark Cruvellier's Structural Systems course examines the three-dimensional structural systems that are used in buildings — both how they "work" in terms of their mechanical function and how they can be related to conceptual design ideas and form and space-making objectives. This exhibition features models constructed during the fall semester. Professor Cruvellier is the Nathaniel and Margaret Owings Distinguished Alumni Memorial Professor in Architecture.