Block City
The semester began with an intensive analysis of the island of Manhattan to ask: what makes a city? Through the lenses of public space, civic and cultural institutions, infrastructure, fabric vs. object, thresholds and boundaries, connections and separations, grids, program, natural vs. man-made conditions, history and scale we understood the components of urbanity. Working in groups of two, students produced plan drawings of the island of Manhattan that allowed us to begin the conversation of design.
Next, each student, through a comprehensive reading of context, defined their site through the selection of specific elements. This reading became the conceptual framework within which each layer of the project was developed and eventually synthesized into an integrated design that addressed both the ephemeral and the physical.
Studio Professors
Dasha Khapalova
Edward Aguilera Perez, Alp Demiroglu, Jane Jackson, Jingjing Liu, Cait McCarthy, Elisa Medina-Jaudes, Nadya Mikhaylovskaya, Karolina Piorko, Kashyap Valiveti, Xin Yue Wang, Alexander Wolkow, Jordan Young
Work by: Elisa Medina-Jaudes (B.Arch '21).
Work by: Cait McCarthy (M.Arch. '20).
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