- Whitney Liang, M.Arch. 2016
Houston, TexasClass
ARCH 5115 Core Design Studio V: Expanded Practices / ARCH 5101 Design IX: Option StudioInstructor
Gensler Visiting Critic Kunlé Adeyemi
Visiting Critic Suzanne Lettieri
This project explores Dar es Salaam through the lens of designing a prototypical solution for the trench drainage system, based on previous Africa research and site visit explorations. Of the 1,100 kilometers of trench networks in Dar, the project is sited on 50 kilometers in Kigamboni. Informal trenches adjacent to roads were examined, noting material and use of informal/formal trenches and bridges. This research cumulates into a prototypical design solution that resolves littering architecturally, creating a space from existing trench conditions. Prototypes are created for three different uses: bridge, filter, and shop. A design catalogue of each is created, called WHIT. WHIT is sponsored by the government and its products are subsidized for the public to purchase. Each prototype can be sited in any trench, and if needed, can be customized by WHIT. Forms provide real estate (when folding out), shade, and power for the people of Dar to enjoy. Forms are also easily assembled, thus making it easy for the consumer to assemble and dissemble on the trench.
Easily assembled.
Easily packed.
Easily sent.
Right to your trench.