The Unknown City

- Jamie Canbolat, M.Arch. 2019
Las Vegas, NevadaClass
ARCH 6509 Special Topics in Visual Representation II: Drawing City Manifestos (spring 2017)Instructor
Leslie Lok
The Situationist City imagined by Guy Debord was a vision for a city created by the people, with unitary programming and constructed social situations, understood and developed by way of psychogeography and the dérive. It is a city arguably manifested through the subjective familiar. On the contrary, The Unknown City investigates the unfamiliar, the terra incognita of the psyche within an urban environment. The manifesto for The Unknown City exploits the subjective uncharted territories of one's psychogeographical reorganization of a city. It is an accepted truth that one will never explore every part of their urban context. This generates the opportunity for a kind of urbanism to take advantage of the unfamiliar areas to intentionally invoke users' imagination, interpretation, and improvisation, thus allowing for the unfamiliar to become the driving force for the manifestation of the new city.