Meat Culture: Censored Spaces and Radical Alternatives

- Lily Chung, M.Arch. 2015
Los Angeles, CaliforniaClass
ARCH 8912 Independent Design Thesis (fall 2014)Instructor
Caroline O'Donnell
David Moon
It is a class-D felony, on par in some states with soliciting a minor, to release unauthorized information on animal facilities. States across the U.S. have been rapidly passing legislation to make it illegal for the public to gain unauthorized access to any and all information regarding animal facilities, protecting the meat industry and its unsavory practices from public scrutiny. Furthermore, there are huge environmental consequences to meat consumption in the form of greenhouse gas emissions, land and water use, and the social cost of unsafe working conditions. This thesis, however, focuses on the political trend toward censorship and withholding of truth that is systemically supported through legislation and is expressed physically in the isolation and concealment of meat processing facilities. In response, this thesis explores architecture as a vessel of knowledge to be accessed by the public.
Featured in "Student Thesis Work at Cornell Exposes the Viscera of Architecture," Architect (2015).