La Mama Theater Set Design

- Ethan Davis, M.Arch. 2018
Clark Fork, IdahoClass
ARCH 5111 Core Design Studio I (fall 2014)Instructor
Visiting Associate Professor Mark Morris
Associate Professor John Zissovici
This theater set design produced at La Mama Theatre in New York City is for an adaptation of Jean Cocteau's The Human Voice. The set was directly inspired by leitmotifs presented within the play, namely the illusory shifting of perception paralleling moments of deceit and truth. An inversion of perspectival anamorphism, the set projects a scene which continually slips between deception and reality. The protagonist is forced to confront the reality of her false environment when her environment contradicts her expectations. Perspective lines, which define the illusionary space also define the furniture and other stage elements with which the protagonist interacts — warped props founded on the perception of a false reality.