Valentina Sanz
Santo Domingo
I would like to help mitigate the extent of the environmental problems we are facing right now by creating sustainable designs.
Why did you choose Cornell and AAP?
Cornell’s AAP program is the best in the United States and has great opportunities like the Cornell in Rome and New York programs, various promising internship possibilities, lectures from renowned architects, and endless facilities so the undergraduate AAP students receive the best education possible.
What are your extracurricular interests and how have you incorporated them into your college life?
Some of my extracurricular interests include playing sports such as soccer, basketball, volleyball, and frisbee. I also love to draw, paint, and cook.
What do you hope to accomplish during your time at AAP and after graduation?
I hope to learn how to be a successful architect that can help improve the infrastructure in developing countries such as my birth country. Not only this, but I would like to help mitigate the extent of the environmental problems we are facing right now by creating sustainable designs.