Pablo Sequero

Pablo Sequero has worked for four years with Barkow Leibinger in Berlin, where he is the competitions team leader, and he has been closely involved in research and exhibition projects, such as the Two Walls installation, the Urbainable/Stadthaltig exhibition, and the Let's Talk Pechakucha series. He was trained as an architect in Rafael Moneo's studio, in his native country Spain, where he collaborated mostly in built projects, focusing especially on three winery extensions in Bierzo, Mallorca, and Olmedo. 

His approach to architecture has been guided by these mentorships, and as a result, the mediation of site, historical precedent, and a critical position toward context has become central to his work. In his own projects, Sequero focuses on crafted small-scale architecture seeking to confront history and regional material culture with sensitive and contemporary resolution. 

Sequero earned a Master of Architecture degree at the ETSAM, Technical University of Madrid in 2015, where his final thesis was awarded the third Asemas Prize nationally. He has been the recipient of a Banco Santander Fellowship (2014) which led him to collaborate with Madrid-based office FRPO in the design of the IX Iberoamerican Architecture and Urbanism Biennale exhibition.

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Classes (Selected)

  • ARCH 4101/4102/5101/5116 Occupying Structure: The Vertical Factory
  • ARCH 4605/6605 Critical Regionalism and the Mediterranean

Awards, Grants, and Fellowships (Selected)

  • ASEMAS award for Final Thesis projects, Madrid (2017)
  • Banco Santander fellowship, Madrid (2014)
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