Marco Gissara
Marco Gissara is an engineer engaged in both professional practice and academic research. He earned a Ph.D. in urban studies at the Sapienza University of Rome.
His main interests are focused on urban contexts, in both their physical and social features: reuse and regeneration, urban planning and policies, public participation, and phenomena related to urban social movements.
A freelance engineer since 2013, he established Restudio in 2022, working on the renovation of existing buildings and public spaces.
He collaborates with Laboratorio di Studi Urbani "Territori dell’abitare" (LABSU) and works as a teaching associate at Cornell University in Rome.
Classes (Selected)
- CRP 4160 Rome WorkshopThis course focuses on the city as a system through the analysis of (1) a set of neighborhoods and (2) issues affecting these neighborhoods. We will consider the relationship of these neighborhoods and issues to the functioning of the contemporary city of Rome and the wellbeing of its residents. This course will emphasize fieldwork and experiential learning that is supported with readings, class discussions and lectures. Field activities will take place during scheduled class times plus supplemental hours that are scheduled informally for an average of 12 hours per week, in addition to time spent on reading, writing, and the field trips.
Publications (Selected)
Gissara M., Palese M., Palese P, Vallo M. (2023), Ruoli fuori dagli schemi per affrontare la complessità. La lezione del progetto Me.Mo., in Montillo F. (2023), Memorie in movimento a Tor Bella Monaca. Un approccio per ricercare il senso dei luoghi, Edifir Edizioni, Firenze.
Gissara M., Diana L. (2020), Linee guida per la manutenzione e il recupero del patrimonio edilizio, in: Cellamare C., Montillo F. (eds) (2020), Abitare Tor Bella Monaca. Ripensare la periferia
Diana L., Gissara M. (2020), La casa, i luoghi e i piani. L'eredità del I PEEP, in: Cellamare C., Montillo F. (eds) (2020), Abitare Tor Bella Monaca. Ripensare la periferia
Gissara M. (2018), Intorno al lago. La riappropriazione popolare dell'area dell'ex Snia Viscosa a Roma, in: Tracce Urbane, the Italian Journal of Urban Studies, n. 4 (2018) pp. 218-236, Rivista telematica scientifica della Sapienza Università di Roma
Percoco M., Rosmini E., Gissara M. (eds) (2018), Città Immaginate. Riuso, sperimentazioni e nuove forme dell'abitare, Manifestolibri, Roma