Heike Hanada
Heike Hanada studied architecture at the HdK Berlin and in Japan at the TODAI / University of Tokyo. In 1994, she founded her first studio (Hanada+) in Tokyo and in 2007 in Weimar (heike hanada_laboratory of art and architecture). Today she works as an architect and artist in Berlin. Her work gained international renown after winning first prize in the open competition for the extension of Asplund's library in Stockholm. Numerous prizes and competition awards followed. From 2009–2018 she was Professor for BauGestaltung at the FH Potsdam. Since 2018 she served as the Chair of Building Typologies at the TU Dortmund, succeeding Professor Jürgen Sawade, Professor Max Dudler, and Professor Walter A. Noebel. In 2019, she was awarded the Thuringian Architecture Prize for the new Bauhaus Museum in Weimar. Most recently, together with the artist Ayşe Erkmen, she won the international competition for a new entrance to the Kunstmuseum Winterthur. For 2021/22, she has been awarded a fellowship for the Deutsche Akademie Rom - Villa Massimo.