Cora Fontana

Cora Fontana is an architect specializing in the analysis of prevention policies for seismic risk and post-disaster recovery strategies.

After a master's degree in architecture at La Sapienza University of Rome, she earned a Ph.D. in Urban Studies at the Gran Sasso Science Institute. Since 2019, she has been a postdoctoral research fellow at the Italian National Research Council (CNR) – Institute of Environmental Geology and Geo-Engineering (IGAG). She works with Cornell in Rome as a teaching associate in the Rome Workshop (Department of City and Regional Planning).

Classes (Selected)

  • CRP 4160 Rome WorkshopThis course focuses on the city as a system through the analysis of (1) a set of neighborhoods and (2) issues affecting these neighborhoods. We will consider the relationship of these neighborhoods and issues to the functioning of the contemporary city of Rome and the wellbeing of its residents. This course will emphasize fieldwork and experiential learning that is supported with readings, class discussions and lectures. Field activities will take place during scheduled class times plus supplemental hours that are scheduled informally for an average of 12 hours per week, in addition to time spent on reading, writing, and the field trips.

Publications (Selected)

  • Fontana C., Benigni M.S., Giuffrè M., Tomassoni V. (forthcoming). "Oltre la CLE: verso il superamento della visione emergenziale". In: Benigni M.S., Fontana C., Giuffrè M., Tomassoni V. (Eds.) A dieci anni dall’istituzione dell’analisi della Condizione Limite per l’Emergenza: strategie, ricadute e possibili futuri, CNR-Edizioni, Roma.
  • Benigni M.S., Fontana C., Giuffrè M., Tomassoni V. (Eds.) (forthcoming). A dieci anni dall’istituzione dell’analisi della Condizione Limite per l’Emergenza: strategie, ricadute e possibili futuri, CNR-Edizioni, Roma.
  • Tomassoni, V., Gigliotti, A., Bramerini, F., Carbone, G., Fazzio, F., Fontana, C. (2022). "Metodologie di rilevamento dati e analisi per la valutazione del Piano di Protezione Civile comunale" in Territorio 101 pag. 140-154
  • Benigni, M.S., Fontana, C., Giuffrè, M., Tomassoni, V. (2022). "L’analisi della Condizione Limite per l’Emergenza a dieci anni dalla sua istituzione: limiti attuali e potenzialità future" In Urbanistica Informazioni 306 s.i. pp. 507-509
  • Coppola A, Di Giovanni G., Fontana C. (2021). Prolific, but undemanding. The state and the post-disaster reconstruction of a small regional capital: the case of L’Aquila, Italy in Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography. DOI:10.1080/04353684.2021.1944816
  • Balducci, A., Caramaschi, S., Coppola, A., Curci, F., Di Giovanni, G., di Venosa, M., Fontana, C., Franz, G., Gritti, A. (2021). "Nei territori sismici: principi fondamentali per una legge quadro per le ricostruzioni", in Coppola, A., Del Fabbro, M. Lanzani, A., Pessina, G., Zanfi, F. (a cura di) Ricomporre i divari. Politiche e progetti territoriali contro le disuguaglianze e per la transizione ecologica, Il Mulino, Bologna
  • Fontana C., Cianci, E., Moscatelli, M. (2020). "Assessing seismic resilience of school educational sector. An attempt to establish the initial conditions in Calabria Region, southern Italy" in International journal of Disaster Risk Reduction  51: 101936. DOI:10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101936
  • Fontana C., (2018) "L’Aquila: la costruzione di una città dispersa (1950- 2008)", in Archivio di Studi Urbani e Regionali, ASUR XLIX, 122. DOI: 10.3280/ASUR2018-122006
  • Coppola, A., Fontana, C., Gingardi, V. (2018) (a cura di) "Envisaging L’Aquila: strategies, architecture, spaces, identity, in a recovering city", Professional Dreamers, ISBN 978-88-908130-8-5
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