B.Arch. Verification of Concentration Completion

Please indicate the area for which you are applying for a concentration below. Use one form per concentration. 

Requirements for Concentrations

For those who matriculated prior to Fall 2023: 

  • Architecture, Culture, and Society: ARCH 4408 and 9 additional credits of Architecture, Culture, and Society classes
  • Architectural Science and Technology: ARCH 1611, 1612, 2613, 2614, 2615, 2616, and 9 credits of Architectural Science and Technology classes
  • History of Architecture: ARCH 1801 and 1802, required History of Architecture department electives (6 credits), and 9 additional credits (including at least one 6000-level seminar course) of History of Architecture classes
  • Theory of Architecture: ARCH 2301, 3301, required architectural theory elective (3 credits), and 9 additional credits of Theory of Architecture classes
  • Visual Representation in Architecture: ARCH 1501, 1502, and 12 credits in visual studies classes

For those who matriculated Fall 2023 and after: 

  • Architecture, Culture, and Society: ARCH 4408 and 9 additional credits of Architecture, Culture, and Society classes
  • Architectural Science and Technology: ARCH 1611, 1612, 2613, 2614, 2616, 3615, required architecture building tech elective, and 9 additional credits of Architectural Science and Technology classes
  • History of Architecture: ARCH 1801 and 1802, required History of Architecture department electives (6 credits), and 9 additional credits (including at least one 6000-level seminar course) of History of Architecture classes
  • Theory of Architecture: ARCH 2302, 3302, required architectural theory elective (3 credits), and 9 additional credits of Theory of Architecture classes
  • Visual Representation in Architecture: ARCH 1501, 2502, and 12 additional credits in visual studies classes

Fields marked with * are required.

Expected Graduation Date
(use one form per concentration area)

List the courses that you have taken or are presently taking towards this concentration:

Courses Taken
Number Name Credit(s) Semester/Year Minimum Grade of C Office Use Only (Grade)










Courses In Progress
Number Name Credit(s) Semester/Year Minimum Grade of C Office Use Only (Grade)


Grades must be C or better to count towards an architecture concentration.
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