Virtual Information Session for Dual Degree Programs (Regional Planning and Landscape Architecture or Real Estate) and Minors in CRP Graduate Studies

Students during a community meeting process and collaborative mapping, February and March 2022. image / Mitch Glass
The Department of City and Regional Planning offers two graduate minors for master's students: the graduate minor in City and Regional Planning and the graduate minor in Historic Preservation Planning. CRP has also partnered with the Department of Landscape Architecture and the Baker Program in Real Estate, part of the Paul Rubacha Department of Real Estate, to offer two dual degrees for our M.R.P. students: an M.R.P./M.L.A. degree (Master of Regional Planning/Master of Landscape Architecture) and an M.R.P./M.P.S. degree (Master of Regional Planning/Master of Professional Studies in Real Estate).
During this information session, department faculty will discuss the requirements, application process, and answer any questions you may have about the minors and dual degrees.
For more information, please email