Paloma Vianey: Lo Que Queremos (What We Want)

Juego de Rebozos (2020), detail of ceramic installation. photo / provided
In a reality where gendered violence institutes the ways of living for women in Latin-America, walking into a fictional, knotted realm seems compulsory. Lo Que Queremos (What We Want) portrays the desperate desire for peace in contrast with the reality of a world filled with femicides, corruption, and hopelessness. Through painting and sculpture, this show attempts to protest for a world all women deserve.
Lo Que Queremos (What We Want) is the thesis exhibition for Paloma Vianey (M.F.A. '21). It is sponsored by Cornell Council of the Arts, FONCA-CONACYT, and the Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation.
The Herbert F. Johnson Museum is available to Cornell students, faculty, and staff authorized to be on campus per Cornell's current campus policy. If possible, please call to make an appointment to view the exhibition at (607) 255-6464, and use the side entrance (Gussman Wing) to enter the museum; the main entrance (Appel Lobby) is closed due to construction.