In the Media

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Cornell Photographer Exhibits Work at Campus Gallery

The Ithaca Times: The Ithaca Times reviews AAP staff photographer William Staffeld's solo retrospective exhibition at Cornell's John Hartell Gallery in November. Staffeld will retire in January after 37 years at Cornell.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Department of Art at 100: New Leadership, Faculty, and Practice

Art & Education: As AAP's Department of Art marks its centennial, times past meet times to come with recent transitions in leadership and a renewed emphasis on faculty mentorship. In Art & Education.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Migration Roundtable Discusses Indigenous Displacement, Racism

Cornell Daily Sun: The Cornell Daily Sun reports Associate Professor Jolene Rickard, Art and History of Art and Visual Studies, gave a presentation on the power of visual media to express the complexities of both Indigenous resistance and colonial violence.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Dream Grant

Inside Higher Ed: Inside Higher Ed reports that Bradley Borthwick (M.F.A. '05) is one of six professors to receive a $100,000 grant in a new initiative for all faculty who earned tenure at Colby College in 2021.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Baseera Khan: I Am an Archive

The New Yorker: The New Yorker reviews Baseera Khan's (M.F.A. '12) solo exhibition of performance, collage, textile, drawing, photography, and more at the Brooklyn Museum. Khan is the winner of the 2021 UOVO Prize.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Amie Cunat: Biotic Barbed Impressions

Metal Magazine: A Q&A in Metal Magazine with Amie Cunat (M.F.A. '12) focuses on her solo exhibition of paintings integrating her interests, her love of sci-fi and horror media genres, and familial influences. At Dinner Gallery, on view through Oct. 23.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

The Greek Billionaire Championing Contemporary Art at Home and Abroad

Artsy: Artsy details a new cultural center's inaugural exhibition Portals, featuring work by art alumna Louise Lawler (B.F.A. '69) among 59 artists from 27 countries, curated by Elina Kountouri, Madeleine Grynsztejn, through December.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Experiencing Tjaden's Best: Microbiology Meets Fine Art

Cornell Daily Sun: The Cornell Daily Sun describes Mia Hause's (B.F.A. '22) work in Until the Bliss of All This Hurts, a two-person student exhibition exploring what is innately natural and human, presented by the Department of Art.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Cornell Adopts an Official Land Acknowledgement, Expanding Cayuga Nation Recognition

Cornell Daily Sun: More than a decade ago, Professor Jolene Rickard, history of art and visual studies, initiated the project finalized by American Indian and Indigenous Studies Program & traditional Gayogo̱hó꞉nǫɁ leaders. Cornell Daily Sun.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Remembering a Child of Ithaca, Twelve Years Later On the 12th anniversary of a loss that prompted the commission, Associate Professor of Art Roberto Bertoia's sculpture Child of Ithaca on the Ithaca Commons remains a popular spot to rest and reflect. In

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Sara Bronin, Florian Idenburg, and a Slew of Big Names Join the Cornell AAP Faculty

The Architect's Newspaper: The Architect's Newspaper covers AAP's announcement of an "impressive roster" of fall 2021 new faculty members joining "the only Ivy League architecture department offering a Bachelor of Architecture degree."

Friday, June 25, 2021

Sapar Contemporary Opens an Exhibition of New Works on Canvas by Jorge Otero-Pailos

Art Daily: Art Daily covers an exhibition of new work by artist, preservationist, alum Otero-Pailos (B.Arch. '94, M.Arch. '95) presenting dust extracted from historic sites the Old U.S. Mint, San Francisco, and the Lyndhurst Mansion in New York.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Spotlight | Sabrina Haertig

Cornell Daily Sun: The Cornell Daily Sun calls Sabrina Haertig's (B.F.A.'22) exhibition Es Lo Que Tenemos "a powerful experience, intertwining social issues like immigration with a reckoning of her cultural identities as a Dominican and German woman."

Monday, May 24, 2021

Tour de Bourse

ArtForum: ArtForum reviews the new Bourse de Commerce Museum, highlighting Louise Lawler's (B.F.A. '69) conceptual photography Helms Amendment, which captures the inhumanity of the 1987 senate vote against funding AIDS education.

Monday, April 26, 2021

Neighbors Gallery Exhibits Cornell Student's Ceramic Sculptures

The Ithaca Times: The Ithaca Times reviewed No More Chicken Nuggets, Mommy, a recent show of ceramic sculptures by Grace Sachi Troxell (M.F.A. '21) presented by Neighbors Gallery, an "alternative space" during COVID in Ithaca, NY.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Yang | What is That Outside of Schwartz!?

Cornell Daily Sun: Featured in the Cornell Daily Sun, Adam Shulman (B.F.A. '23) projects light, warmth, and nature on the Schwartz Center with his installation titled After Nature Had Drawn a Few Breaths. Ends April 26.

Friday, April 2, 2021

Cecilia Lu '22's Ghost Stories Explores Identity, Inheritances and Generational Migration

Cornell Daily Sun: Reviewed in The Cornell Daily Sun, Cecilia Lu's (B.F.A. '22) exhibition at the Johnson Museum includes a multimedia work of pottery, projections, and leaflets: vases, cups, a missing father, a sitting figure, an advertisement for a spa.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Pandemic Intimacy: Sapar Contemporary's Home Body

Arte Fuse: Arte Fuse reviews a recent group exhibition in NYC that featured work by Baseera Khan (M.F.A. '12). During a time when loneliness and touch-starvation are the norms, Khan's Seats series suggests the intimacy of the internal body.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Trailblazing Artists: Some Late, All Great

Financial Times: Professor Emerita Kay WalkingStick, art, is among artists featured in Financial Times. Reflecting the challenges facing Native American artists, the art establishment is only now catching up with WalkingStick's ambitious and beautiful work."

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Johnson Museum Gives MFA Exhibitions a New Home

Cornell Daily Sun: From industrial representations of sea and nightlife to reflections on language in art, Cornell's M.F.A. student galleries present diverse artistic musings at the Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art this spring, in The Cornell Daily Sun.

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