Intent to Minor in Fine Arts

The art minor is an opportunity for students who are not enrolled in the Department of Art and who have a serious interest and/or background in studio art to continue their commitment to art at the college level.

The curriculum for the minor in fine arts totals a minimum of 15 credit hours. All classwork must be completed at Cornell, and a grade of C or better is required. Please note that Independent Studies are not allowed to be counted towards the B.F.A. minor. In addition, any classwork used to fulfill the minor cannot also be used to fulfill specific requirements of the student's major.

*Not all departmental courses are available for non-majors. Not all available courses have space for non-majors every time they are offered.

Required courses: 3 courses; 12 credits

  • Two art studio classes at the 2000-level (8 credits)
  • One art studio class at the 3000-level (4 credits)

Choose one from the following elective courses: 1 course; 3-4 credits

  • One art studio class at the 1000-level (3 credits)
  • One art studio class at the 2000-level (4 credits)
  • One art studio class at the 3000-level (4 credits)
  • One art seminar class at the 3000-level (3-4 credits)
  • One VISST course at the 2000 or 3000-level (3-4 credits)

Minimum total credits: 15

Application Process

Interested students must complete this form in order to receive priority in the studio enrollment process. Upon successful completion of all minor requirements, students must submit an Application to Graduate with a Minor in Fine Arts at least one month prior to graduation. The Department of Art will verify completion of the minor, and the minor will be recorded on the official transcript at the time of degree completion.

Questions regarding the minor can be directed to the Department of Art,

Fields marked with * are required.

Expected Graduation Date

I intend to complete the minor in fine arts, and I have discussed this intention with my faculty advisor.

Student Signature: __________________________________     Date: _________________

Faculty Advisor Signature: __________________________________     Date: _________________

Submission instructions:

Please press the "print" button below, save the form as a PDF, and email the signed form to

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