General Petition (Graduate)

Deviating From Curriculum, Policies, or Procedures

Students wishing to deviate from the prescribed curriculum or request exceptions to any college or department policy or procedure must petition the academic department for permission. All petitions must be submitted prior to the act, and class enrollment petitions must be submitted within the university add/drop period. Further, students wishing to take more than the standard number of credit hours should have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better. Petitions should be submitted only if there are clearly extraordinary circumstances that merit special consideration. In order for a petition to be approved, circumstances must be extenuating. Once submitted and acted upon, petitions can only be reversed by a subsequent petition. Petition forms are also available in the AAP Office of Student Services, B56 Sibley Hall.

Reason for Petition

Clearly state the reason you are petitioning:
Clearly explain the circumstances that would warrant an exception to policy:

Student Signature: __________________________________     Date Submitted: ____________

Instructor Acknowledgement (if applicable)

Instructor: __________________________________     NetID: _________________

Support Petition Do not support petition

Signature:  __________________________________     Date:    _________________ 


Advisor Acknowledgement (required)

Advisor:  ___________________________________     NetID: _________________

Support Petition Do not support petition Other (please explain in comments.)

Signature: __________________________________     Date:    _________________ 


Action on Petition
Granted Granted with conditions Hold Denied No Action Required

Committee Representative:  __________________________________     Date:    _________________

Submit this form to the AAP Office of Student Services, B01 W. Sibley Hall.
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