Design Tech Independent Study Enrollment Form

Graduate students may enroll in DESIGN 6999 Independent Study in Design Technology for variable credit, up to a maximum of 3 credits. Enrollment in an independent study requires an approved Design Tech Independent Study Form. Please review and complete the form below with the faculty member who will be supervising the independent study.

Please bring the form signed by the student and independent study supervisor to the Design Tech Office, 133 East Sibley Hall, or send it via email to for review and approval.


Graduation Date

Course Information

Please select the class you are interested in enrolling in.

Supply a brief abstract of the topic, including resources, proposed schedule, and references.

Student's Signature: ___________________________________  Date: ___________

Supervising Instructor's Signature: ___________________________________  Date: ___________

Department of Design Tech Signature: __________________________________     Date: _________________
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