The curriculum for the minor in fine arts totals a minimum of 15 credit hours. All classwork must be completed at Cornell, and a grade of C or better is required. In addition, any coursework used to fulfill the minor cannot also be used to fulfill specific requirements of the student's major.
Required courses: 3 courses; 12 credits
- Two art studio classes at the 2000-level (8 credits)
- One art studio class at the 3000-level (4 credits)
Choose one from the following elective courses: 1 course; 3-4 credits
- One art studio class at the 1000-level (3 credits)
- One art studio class at the 2000-level (4 credits)
- One art studio class at the 3000-level (4 credits)
- One art seminar class at the 3000-level (3-4 credits)
- One VISST course at the 2000 or 3000-level (3-4 credits)
Minimum total credits: 15
To have the minor in fine arts recorded on your transcript, print and bring this application to the Department of Art, 224 Tjaden Hall, during your final semester of study. The art department verifies completion of the minor and informs the home college. The minor is recorded on the official transcript at graduation.
Fields marked with * are required.