Xue Zhang

Xue Zhang is a Research Associate in the Department of City and Regional Planning. Her research focuses on population health, regional economics, equity, and government policy. Her current research employs a human ecological framework to examine geographic differences in demographic structure, social determinants of health, age-friendly planning, social policy, and population health outcomes with a specific focus on rural-urban differences. Her research links planning, built environment, services, and population health to explore community development strategies. She received her B.S. and M.S. in international trade and economics from Harbin Institute of Technology, China, and M.S. and Ph.D. in regional science from Cornell University.

Academic Research/Specialty Areas

  • Collaborative practice
  • Community-based planning and development
  • Economic developmentĀ 
  • Gender- and age-based planning
  • Participatory and collaborative planning
  • Regional science
  • Social policy

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Awards, Grants, and Fellowships (Selected)

"Rural-Urban and Within-Rural Differences in the Relationship between County-Level Social Vulnerability and Working-Age Mortality from Drug Poisoning, Suicide, and Alcohol-Induced Causes". NIH Interdisciplinary Network on Rural Population Health and Aging

Exhibitions and Presentations (Selected)

  •  Invisible Women in Comprehensive Plan, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Chicago, IL, 11/2023
  •  Social Vulnerability and Working-Age Adult Mortality from Drug Poisoning, Suicide, and Homicide in the United States, Annual Meeting of Rural Sociological Society, Burlington, VT, 08/2023
  •  Associations between COVID-19 Experiences and Mental Health Outcomes among US Working-Age Adults, Population Association of American Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 04/2023

Publications (Selected)

  •  Zhang, X., & Monnat, S. M. (2024). "Geographically specific associations between county-level socioeconomic and household distress and mortality from drug poisoning, suicide, alcohol, and homicide among working-age adults in the United States." SSM-Population Health, 25, 101595.
  •  Zhang, X., & Warner, M. E. (2024). "Cross-agency collaboration to address rural aging: The role of county government." Journal of Aging & Social Policy, 36(2), 302-324.
  •  Zhang, X., Warner, M. E., Xu, C., & Wang, Y. (2023). "Invisible women in comprehensive plans." Journal of Urban Affairs, 1-19.
  •  Zhang, X., Warner, M. E., & Meredith, G. (2023). "Factors limiting US public health emergency authority during COVID‐19." The International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 38(5), 1569-1582.
  •  Zhang, X. (2022). "Linking people's mobility and place livability: Implications for rural communities." Economic Development Quarterly, 36(3), 149-159.
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