Tess Clancy

Tess Clancy is a designer based in New York City and Rome. Her work and research deal with the complex embedded power of monuments and the intersection between architectural history and political power structures. She received her Bachelor's degree in growth and structure of cities from Bryn Mawr College, and her professional degree (M.Arch.) from Cornell AAP in 2018. Her thesis, titled Erdoding the Confederacy: Revealing and Dismantling White Supremacy on Richmond's Monument Ave., was awarded the Ruth Bentley and Richmond Harold Shreve Award. It is published in part in the Cornell Journal of Architecture, volume 11. 

After completing her degree, Clancy helped organize the 2019 Preston Thomas Memorial Symposium Trash Talks: Design for the end of Material as we know it, and also served as a teaching associate for French architect and visiting critic Philippe Rahm's spring 2019 masterclass at Cornell titled History of Architecture: A realist and environmental approach to urban, landscape and architecture design history. Clancy was a 2019 teaching associate for Cornell's Introduction to Architecture Summer Program and has also worked for the New York–based firm New Affiliates. 

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